Chapter 2 - pretty boy, pretty voice

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Chapter 2 - pretty boy, pretty voice
Kyle's POV

I was in the Music building to see if Jordan was here as I haven't seen him since this morning. I can't stop thinking about this morning for such a stupid reason. I keep on thinking about this morning because I saw a really pretty boy, like the most beautiful person I have seen in my whole life.


I wake up as the sun is cracking through my blinds, SHIT, I slept through my alarm. School starts at 8:30 and it is 7:44. I quickly jump up from my bed and threw on a random pierce the veil tee shirt and some black skinny jeans.

I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and comb my hair. I usually straighten my hair but I don't have time this morning. I go back into my room and grab a hoodie that is a washed teal colour and some black socks. I quickly run down stairs, I put my socks and hoodie on an I grab my green vans and put them on too.

I ran into the kitchen and snatched my packed lunch from the fridge and shoved it deep into the bottom of my bag. I also get a chocolate bar to eat as my breakfast on the way to school. I also get a plastic water bottle and put it in the side pocket thing of my bag. I take all of my books from Friday out of my bag and put in my books for today, as I was doing that I saw a group of my friends standing outside of my house.

I find it really weird my friends aren't popular at all because we are all emo or scene kids, but I am for some reason, I guess it's just a gift from god. I quickly left my house and said "hi guys, sorry I'm late, I slept through my alarm," as I was speaking I saw him.

A beautiful boy, his hair is long and dark, it contrasts his pale skin perfectly. His makeup looks amazing on him, the dark rings of eyeshadow and eyeliner around his eyes made his piercing blue eyes stand out. He was wearing a never shout never time travel tee shirt, some black skinny jeans, a black zip up hoodie and some combat boots.

He is perfect, I only saw him for a few seconds and I'm in love. Then I realised he looks around my age if not slightly younger, but I've never seen him before, I hope he is just new to my school and doesn't go to a different one.

When I got to school I saw pretty boy again, he seemed to be heading to the science block or the languages block. I was standing with Bryan and Robbie, they were in their own conversation so I just looked at pretty boy through the corner of my eye.

I saw him pull out his phone that looks as if it is as old as the fucking dinosaurs or something, he looked like he was reading a text. Then he put his phone back in his pocket and pulled out a pill bottle I watched as he dry swallowed a pill. I heard Bryan yell from beside me "DRUGGIE!" I was shocked but all I could say was "bro..." under my breath

Flashback over

I looked in both of the classrooms now for Jordan and he wasn't in either. I began to stick my head into all of the practice rooms in an attempt to find the Australian man, when I stuck my head in the final practice room I heard some gentle strumming on a guitar, I almost left because I know that Jordan plays piano not guitar but then I saw who was playing it, Pretty boy.

His front was facing away from me but I saw his reflection in the glass. He was looking down at his notebook while strumming. Then he began singing "I've been waiting way too long,
I've been playing the same old songs"

As he started singing I stepped into the room quietly closing the door. I then sat on a chair at the back of the room and just listened to my pretty boy as he sang.

"Who am I?
I'm so shy
I just can't seem to comply
To the words that you say
They just don't mean a thing
Who am I?
I'm so shy
I just can't seem to comply
To the words that you say
Baby, I'm not okay
I'm not okay" that line made me sad, I've never had a conversation with this boy before but now I am determined to protect him from any thing that may make him feel sad

"Today, things will change
And we'll live like happy people
We'll live like happy people
Today things will change
And we'll live like happy people
We'll live" I wish he was singing about us but we've never met and he probably does not even like guys and even if he does I doubt that he would like me.

"Who am I?
I'm so shy
I just can't seem to comply
To the words that you say
They just don't mean a thing
Who am I?
I'm so shy
I just can't seem to comply
To the words that you say
Baby, I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Every single person seems to think it's so great
Every single person seems to think they get me
Every single person seems to think it's so great
Every single person seems to think they get me" his voice is so beautiful, how can one boy be so perfect and beautiful in every way.

"Who am I?
I'm so shy
I just can't seem to comply
To the words that you say
They just don't mean a thing
Who am I?
I'm so shy
I just can't seem to comply
To the words that you say
Baby, I'm not okay
I'm not okay" he finished and I couldn't help but stand up and clap. He turned around and looked at me terrified, I started to walk towards him slowly and said "You are an amazing singer, pretty boy" he blushed at my words and he looked down at the floor.

I grabbed his chin, my thumb resting on his lip and pulled his head up to look at me "wow, you really weren't lying, you are shy."

Chapter 2 complete
Question of the chapter: how old were you when you started watching MDE

Words: 1107

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