We Met in Ireland

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Serena's POV 

The crisp morning air attacks my skin as I leave my apartment in New York City. I have my bulky cream suitcase rolling alongside me as I make it to my car. I've decided to take a last minute trip to Ireland by myself. These past few weeks have been stressful at work. I've decided to treat myself and give myself a nice week away from my work. I've been a wedding photographer a few years now and yet it still stings seeing everyone get married when I'm a single woman. 

As I cruise through the empty roads I make it to the airport an hour before my flight, which is at seven this morning. I park my car in long-term parking and head into the airport. After checking my bag and going through security I make it onto the plane ready to relax on the six hour flight. I put my headphones on turning on some music while looking out the window. Instantly my eyes feel heavy and I am out like a light. 

Suddenly I hear the flight attendant announce, "Ladies and gentlemen I would like to welcome you to Dublin, Ireland. The current time is one in the afternoon." 

After exiting the plane I found my luggage. Now, I am looking for an Uber to take me to my airbnb just outside Dublin. The streets are busy and everyone around me is rushing to find their way. I continue to find a source of travel, but I fail in doing so. I decide to sit down on my luggage letting out a loud sigh as I sit. This is going to be harder than I thought. As I look to my right I see a tall man walking my way. I look the man up and down, noting his ocean blue eyes. He has a stubble beard with a shaved head. I may add he has a sharp jawline. Taking in his appearance I notice his fashion sense is cool. He is wearing a hoodie that has a graphic design on it paired with some baggy jeans. In my head I am hoping he is Irish. 

In a rich Irish accent the man says to me, "Excuse me I don't mean to be a bother, but I saw you earlier trying to get a car. If you need a lift I can give you one."

"That would be so helpful. I underestimated how hard it would be to get a car." I smile up at the handsome Irish man. 

"I can tell you are not from here. Where about are you from?" The man asks. 

"New York City." I say. The man rests his hands out for me to take it. I kindly take his hands into mine feeling how warm his large hands are. I get myself up from my luggage, lightly brushing myself off. 

"I love New York, such a beautiful city." The man says while smiling. His smile is so bright and contagious. 

Breaking the silence, "I'm Dermot by the way." The young man says holding out his hand for me to shake. 

"Serena." I say while shaking his hand back. 

"Well it's nice to meet you, Serena. My car is just over there." Dermot points towards a red car. 

Dermot takes my luggage from me and puts it into his trunk. As I take the handle of the car he rushes over to me opening the car door for me. 

"Oh, thank you so much." I say before getting into the car.  

I hope I am not making a mistake hitching a ride with a complete stranger. He seems very nice and not serial killer material at all. Although he's a stranger, something inside me is trusting him. We finally exit the airport and onto the main road. The scenery here is absolutely beautiful. I came here to hike a bunch and to visit the beautiful cathedrals.  

"Where are we heading?" Dermot asks taking me away from my sight seeing. 

"Oh I'm sorry I never told you. I am going to this address." I showed him my phone. 

"That's a great little place outside Dublin." Dermot says. 

"That makes me feel better." I sign in relief. I honestly saw two pictures of the Airbnb I booked so I hope it's not terrible. 

Dermot Kennedy ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang