Music for Her

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Jane's POV 

The day has only begun and my boyfriend is surprising me on any normal day. I don't know what it is about surprises, but he loves to show me new things every once in a while. I love the adventure it brings us. 

"Where are we going love?" I ask unable to see due to his broad hands wrapped around my eyes. 

"Just a few more steps my angel." Dermot says, guiding me up a step. My heart pounds in anticipation as Dermot guides me. I have no clue what he has in store, but with him it's always something grand. Suddenly, Dermot stops me in my tracks and gently takes his hands off my eyes. 

"This is beautiful." I say taking in the stained glass room. The room is filled with all different kinds of bright colors as the sun shines through the glass. There is a small book shelf filled with colorful books next to a striped couch. The wood floors glide through my feet as I wander around the room. 

"I know we both have been extremely busy lately. I thought about just being at home, but my friend told me about this place and I knew you would love it." Dermot says taking me out of my thoughts. 

"It's amazing my love. Thank you for this." I walk over to my handsome boyfriend giving him a big hug. 

"I brought my guitar, I thought I could play you some music." Dermot says before giving me a kiss on the forehead. 

"I would love that." I smile up at him. 

I sit down on the couch with Dermot next to me, his acoustic guitar in his lap. He lightly strums the strings as I rest my head on his shoulder. The only sound that echoes through the room is Dermot's guitar and light humming. I take his face into my hands taking him away from his guitar. I look into his blue eyes before kissing him lightly on the lips. 

Breaking the kiss I say, "Thank you for being the best person. I love you." I lightly peck his lips. 

"For you my angel I would do anything. I love you." Dermot nudges his nose against my nose smiling at me before strumming his guitar again. 

As the day unfolds Dermot continues to play his guitar singing some songs he wrote, but never released. To be in the presence of Dermot playing and singing is so special. I still get goosebumps every time he sings to me. The strong rasp of his voice melts my heart. The acoustics in this room makes his voice even prettier. His eyes stay connected with mine as he sings every lyric as if they meant for me. Dermot looks at me as he sings, 

"All your troubles, all your pain. 

Let me struggle, carry that weight. 

All your devils fall away. 

You're so easy to love." 

("One Life": Dermot Kennedy)

Every word he sings makes me fall deeper in love with him. Ever since the day I met him I knew we had a connection. As the song ends Dermot puts his guitar down taking my hands into his. His eyes seem nervous and his hands are shaking lightly. Suddenly he gets down on one knee. My eyes pop in shock and my heart is starting to race. What is he doing?

"Jane the minute we met I instantly clicked with you. We have been together for four years now and I can't imagine my life without you. There is something so pure about you. Your kind soul and lively personality makes me strive to be the best I can be. Your loving touch sends electricity through my body to this day. Will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?" He takes out a box opening it up and a gorgeous ring appears. 

With tears in my eyes I say, "I've been waiting so long for this day. Yes of course." He places the ring on my finger then bear hugs me. 

"That was so unexpected you romantic." I lightly laughed while holding him as if he was about to slip away. 

He breaks the hug resting his forehead on mine looking into my eyes. Everything is perfect. I feel like I am floating outside my body experiencing all of this. 

"I love you Jane and I'm honored to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my angel forever." He kisses me. The kiss feels more passionate than it ever has. The way his plump soft lips feel so gentle on mine. His hands hold me to his strong body so powerfully. 

"You are the best thing to ever come into my life." I say between kisses. He lightly pecks my forehead as I rub my thumb across his cheek taking in the moment. 

"And you will forever be the best decision I've made in my life, my angel." He says nudging his nose against mine once again. All I can do is smile up at him with butterflies erupting inside me. 

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