Just Kiss Me Already

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Dermot's POV

The sound of keys clicking together rings through my ears. I turn my attention towards the front door being opened by my lovely girlfriend. I can see on her face that she had a rough day by the way her lips curl up and her tired eyes scan the house.

"I am in the living room darlin." I shout for her to hear me.

"I had the longest day my love. All I want to do is take a shower, change into sweats and then go to sleep." My girl huffs as she sits next to me on the couch.

I turn my body fully towards my sleepy girl brushing away the delicate wisps of hair that surround her face. I lightly run my hand over her cheek letting her sink into my hand.

I break the silence saying, "Would you like me to run a bath for you darlin?"

"That would be amazing." She sighs resting her head on my shoulder.

"How about you go upstairs and get out of your work clothes and I'll start the bath." I say while rubbing her back gently.

"Sounds good to me." She says, giving me a small smile.

I let her go upstairs allowing her space to get undressed. I'm now in the kitchen making a cup of tea for her because I know how much she loves her tea. I pour some honey allowing the golden liquid to slowly run into the colorful mug. I tap the edge of the cup with a silver spoon before placing it into the sink to be cleaned later. I find myself upstairs now knocking softly on our bedroom door.

"Can I come in darlin?" I ask.

"Yes love you can." I hear her sweet voice come from inside the room.

"I brought you a tea with honey." I indicate towards the cup before setting it on the bedside table.

"Thank you, love." She says before giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

"I'll start the bath." I say walking into the bathroom.

I turn the gold faucet to the left causing the crystal water to flow into the granite tub. I run my hand under the water to check the temperature. I adjust the water to the right temperature allowing that to fill up. I grab my girl's favorite candle, lighting it next to the tub so she can feel extra relaxed. Last thing I do is dim the lights so her eyes aren't as irritated.

I poke my head outside the bathroom door saying, "Darlin the bath is ready whenever you are."

I see her turn her attention towards me walking my way. She has only a bathrobe on with her hair in a messy bun. She looks beautiful no matter what. As she enters the bathroom I am about to leave to give her space, but I feel her hand grab my forearm.

"Can you join me?" She asks.

I turn myself around staring into her hazel eyes. I say, "Of course darlin." She smiles real big before taking her robe off getting into the tub.

I take my clothes off joining her in the bath. I rest myself upwards against the back of the tub looking across at my amazing girlfriend. She stares back at me while gently rubbing arms.

"Can I lay with you?" She asks me.

"You don't have to ask me that darlin. Come here." I grab onto her wrist causing her body to fall into mine.

Silence fills the room as we lay together letting the warm water hug our bodies. I trickle my pointer finger along her shoulders and then down her arms to her stomach. I feel her body shiver under mine as I run my fingers along her skin.

"This is what I needed." She breaks the silence while pushing the back of her head into my chest.

"I would do anything for you darlin." I say kissing the top of her head.

She turns her head to face me now asking me, "Could you wash my body?"

"Of course." I say before moving to grab the shower nozzle.

I turn the water back on allowing it to run along her skin. I squeeze some soap onto her back, rubbing it gently into her skin. As I continue I can feel her body ease under my touch.

Before I can continue she interrupts me, turning herself around facing me. She says to me, "Thank you my love for this. I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"I am going to rephrase that and say I don't know what I did to deserve you darlin. You have supported me through thick and thin. I love you." I say rubbing the knuckles of her hands.

"I love you." She says getting closer to me. Our lips almost touch, that is how close we are to one another.

"You are a tease darlin." I say resting my forehead onto hers.

"I am not doing anything." She smirks up at me.

"Just hush and kiss me already." I smile, grabbing her face and pulling her lips onto mine.

Dermot Kennedy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now