Chapter 35: Roughed up

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The little kid runs up to Taehyung, swinging his arms around furiously.

Not having much speed or power, Taehyung simply moved to the side. But the kid with his eyes shut, didn't watch where he was going and tripped on Taehyung's foot, causing him to fall and slip through the gaps in the bridge, landing him in the pond.

Upon seeing this, the ducks came back, quacking as they nibbled on the poor child who was splashing around in the water.

Taehyung stifled a laugh when a duck bit his hand. The main man seemed to be the kid's caretaker. That much was evident based on the way he squeaked,

"Shit! My mom's gonna kill me! Pull him out now!" He shoves one of the men into the pond.

Now the kid was rescued, the remaining two began to close up on Taehyung.

"You're dead now." The man pulls out a small dagger from his pocket.

Taehyung was prepared to run away. He didn't want to fight. But the man used the sun's glare to blind him while the other man pounced.

Squinting, Taehyung could barely see Jungkook wrestling the other man who had some type of bat.

Jungkook steals his bat and hits him straight in the gut, and the man folds in pain.

He turns around to Taehyung.

"Tae! Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He says, rubbing an eye.

"Okay let's go!" Jungkook grabs his hand and starts running away with him. Taehyung looks back to see the main man throw his dagger on the ground in anger.

"I don't think it's a good idea to stay here. I can fly us somewhere else."

"No! You know exposing your creature is illegal! We were lucky at that market that was chock-full but two people flying now will be obvious. Let's just run." Taehyung tugs his hand.

"It's fine." Jungkook sprouts out his wings, "I won't be seen, trust me-" Jungkook gets cut off when a dagger stabs his wing.

He winces in pain and loses his balance.

"You're not flying away this time pretty boy." The man laughs and smugly smirks. The three now run full speed, with the little kid following not closely at all.

"T-Tae what are you..?" Jungkook sees Taehyung begin to breathe heavily, his fists clenched so hard his hands turn white.

"Just leave it all to me." Is all he said before he starts running to the three men at full speed.

"Tae no!" He reaches out for him, trying to stand but the pain is too much.

Taehyung was focused and determined. Dagger concealed in his hand, he sped towards the men with the softest steps.

Taehyung was extremely agile and quick. Thankfully because of Mr. Min who had taught him to fight, he felt confident as he charged towards the trio.

The first man swung, aiming for Taehyung's head but Taehyung went low, grabbed hold of the man's torso and used the punches momentum to throw the man behind him.

The first henchman groans in pain as he falls on his back behind Taehyung, having the wind knocked out of him.

Taehyung looked back at Jungkook who was too far to run with now. He'd have to knock down the other two.

But he made it quick.

Since the henchman was behind the main man, he lifted his leg to kick the man in the gut, pushing him back into his buddy, letting them fall like dominoes.

The three men groaning and shoving each other to get up gave Taehyung a chance to get back to Jungkook.

"Okay now let's go!" Taehyung panics and accidentally picks up Jungkook in his arms, running away with him as if he weighed nothing.

"You're amazing. Terrifying, but amazing. Have I told you that?"

Taehyung chuckles, "No, but nothing hurts with starting now." He chuckles.

Seeing his wing flap from out the corner, Jungkook painstakingly pulls out the dagger from his wing.

"Have your shit back!" He throws it at the men who are still on the ground, throwing it just barely beneath the boss's crotch.

"You're not that bad yourself." Taehyung winks.

"Oh stop it. You're making me blush."

Talk about another ass fight chapter
Sorry for any typos
Thank you for reading ❤
Have a good day/night 👋

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