Chapter 2: Under the Moonlight

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∆ Mara ∆

~ Pov ~

As I stepped out of the small potions shop, I took a deep breath. I couldn't help but think about how I couldn't miss this opportunity to have access to so much knowledge soon. The darkly light streets and the cold cobblestone stone roads seemed like the only thing that held hope for me now. Clutching my bag that held the only thing that explains her past or who she even was. That once had my full name on it but now removed. Cara did it only months before she died. Telling me to never reveal it to anyone. Almost if I had to keep that secret for all eternity. My head dropped at the memories of my past. No, I need to stay out of my head right now. Tilly will be upset if I act grumpy today.

Just then I heard swift running coming up behind me and I heard a loud joyful voice breaking my thoughts.

"Mara! I am so excited! Are you ready?" She had almost jumped on my back, almost making me fall. She was truly the only person I would never get mad at. I still remember the day we met. She never once treated me terribly. If I had a sister in this world Tilly was it. I smiled, letting my worries fade as I flick her in the head.

"Nice way to say hello." I say laughing at her now pouting face. Her blonde hair was glowing in the light of the lamps lit above us and her bright smile told me what house she was going to be in. No doubt she would be a Hufflepuff. Her kindness and goofy personality didn't fit in anywhere else. Me however-

Tilly locked arms with me and pulled me towards the Black Lake. Since we lived so close we didn't need to ride the train to Hogwarts which was a bummer. I had heard it was an experience to remember I had heard from quite a few visitors to Hogsmeade.

By the time we rushed down to the docks I could tell immediately we were early. There was a man standing there waiting to greet the new students staring at his pocket watch. He looks like a light hearted man with half moon shaped glasses on. His colorful robes stood out in the moonlight. Tilly ran quickly to greet him. Where does she get it from? Her parents are such introverts. I took my time walking up to the man standing with a kind smile.

"Hello children. You must be Matilda Brown, and Mara. I heard they had two coming from Hogsmeade." He said and looked down at his watch again.

"You're just in time, the train will arrive in a few moments." He chuckled. Tilly's eyes grew wide and her bursting energetic personality went into a ramble I could hardly keep up with. Asking questions back to back about Hogwarts, classes, Houses, and food. He almost looked unsure of how to react. She is amazing at this. It's almost like her secret power that causes people to freeze up. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Tilly, let's figure that out as we go. Sorry sir she is just ready for this new experience." I calmly said as he stared even more bewildered. At that moment the whistles from a train came around the loop toward us. Coming to a complete stop only a few feet away from us. I was in awe at the muggle invention. I hadn't had much contact with the muggle world other than books. The doors swung open and children came pouring out. Their eyes looking up toward the castle astonished to see the view I had grown used to. The man next to us started to speak.

"Quickly children. Gather around, Welcome." I stood still but Tilly went rushing toward the crowd of people. I turned to see her greeting her friends she had from childhood. Looking around I could see all these happy faces. My thoughts turned sour. I wondered what they would look like with disgust, the look I had grown used to. I listened to the man with the beard instructing us to the boats in the water. Stating only four to a boat. Tilly was nowhere in sight and I felt a bit lonely.

As I took a step in the small boat with a lit lantern in the front I clutched my bag since it was the only thing I had to comfort me. I hated being around people especially ones I didn't know. Looking next to me was a boy who I almost jumped at seeing. His face was blank and expressionless. His dark hair matched the darkness of the water behind him. His porcelain skin lit up by the light beaming from the moon. His dark eyes looked in my direction. My face quickly felt hot. I was staring.

"Something on my face?" He said monotone to me. I turned away and thought if I should say anything. It felt like forever before I decided to say what was on my mind.

"You look sad." Was all I said. I waited for some comeback or yelling but what he did next made her head shoot back to him. A slight chuckle came from him. There wasn't much of a smile with it.

"And why do you think that?" He was staring right at her. I closed my eyes and had a very heavy sigh as we were about to dock at the base of Hogwarts in the Boat house.

"You just look that way." I started standing up from my seat jumping out on my own. What a strange boy. This whole place is new to him but he looks like he has lost something.

§ Tom §

~ Pov ~

As I stepped out of the train I immediately noticed the castle across a dark lake. I felt a strange power that pulled me in its direction. This place was Hogwarts and it didn't disappoint. When my eyes fell down in front of me there were three figures standing waiting for them to arrive.

He recognized Dumbledore as soon as their eyes met. Beside him was a girl with blonde hair and looked to be excited. She was jumping and waving around. Too much I think. However the girl standing a bit farther from them was quite different. Her poster was perfect and her dark hair was pinned up in a mess. She had a look on her face as if she could care less what was going on.

Spoiled. Must have had this life all to themselves and they act like that. I listened and followed the instructions to get on the boats. Before I knew it the person next to me sat down and we were off. The students in front of us started talking. I looked up at the castle once again. Here I will learn how to control my magic. This should have been where I lived all along. It had been taken from me.

I felt eyes on me for a while. I had finally grown annoyed enough to say something. I turned and looked at them. It was a girl, She was the girl standing with Dumbledore earlier.

"Something on my face." I stared back. Her face grew a bit red and she turned. I didn't look away. Then I noticed something that caught my eye. A scar on the left side of her neck. It was dark and looked like it was quite old. My eyes trailed the rest of her. Her black hair was wavy and looked like she just threw it up without care.

"You look sad." she said, still keeping her eyes forward. Sad? I couldn't help it, I chuckled. This person just said I looked sad. Who is she to say that to me?

"And why do you think that?" I locked eyes with her. Nothing else about her was special but her eyes were piercing blue. They really stood out. The boat began to dock.

"You just look that way" she let out after a sigh as if she regrets even saying anything. I thought I might ask her if she needs help. Better to have "friends" right, but before I could she was standing up and running away.

The sight made me irritated for some reason. So I stood up and followed after her. She makes such a bold statement and just leaves. She didn't give me a clear answer and he wanted to know why she thought he was sad. He demanded it.

Surprise drop! Hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if notice anything or have any comments. So many reads already!

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