Chapter 3: Nameless

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Chapter 3: Nameless

∆ Mara ∆

~ Pov ~

I quickly looked around for Tilly and finally found her. She grabbed a hold of me. 

“There you are.” I said to her with a slight smile. She abandoned me and then it looks like her friends abandoned her. She is too nice I swear. 

“Did you lose them or did you run them off with all your questions?” I laughed a bit while she crossed her arms.

“No one gets me.” She was pouting again. I pushed my shoulder into hers as we walked up the stairs. I smiled at her as she wiped her tears away. 

“I get you. Sometimes maybe not but I get you.” I said as soon as we reached the doors and they opened as if they were waiting for our arrival this whole time. This was it I would finally get the answers I was looking for. Just then some kids were pushing the other around, shoving the person next to me into my side. 

When I looked I was surprised to see the kid that had rode with me on the boat was there. I was quiet looking at his face. How did he catch up that quickly with her? 

“Are you okay?” Tilly’s voice asked out toward the boy staring at me. Then he glanced at Tilly and that's when I saw it. The fakest smile ever. Looking at him you wouldn't think it. Wonder how long he practiced? The only reason I knew was because I myself had tried. I eventually gave up. I would rather look distasteful than pretend to care about what others thought of me. 

“I am fine thank you.” His words were polite unlike the way he spoke to me. I scoffed and it caused Tilly to wave her hands around like an idiot. 

“I am sorry my friend, she can be a bit misunderstood at times and-” she started rambling again. I turned towards him and waved.

“I am not interested enough to let the conversation even continue, come on Tilly.” I said placing my hands in my robes and walked up the steps. That boy was nothing but trouble. I need to steer clear of distractions. Tilly was the only friend I needed. I could hear her apologizing again before following me.

There was just something off about that boy. My gut was telling me not to trust him. 

The halls were long and seemed to be endless. We finally arrived at another door. The old man who met at the docks was starting to speak. 

“Alright children, it is time you will be sorted into your respected houses.” He gestured and the doors swung open revealing a beautifully lit room with a ceiling that was bewitched to look like the night sky. How to describe its exquisite look of the stars and candles floating around. The warmth you could feel walking in it was like home. The four tables sitting before them were packed full of other students. I sighed as I didn't like the attention they were all about to receive. 

As they stood in front of the staff and waited, the small stool sitting in the center of the platform had a hat sitting on it. That must be the hat the four founders enchanted. Interesting, I should look into that more later. 

“Now when I call you name you come sit here. I will place that hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses.” The man in the colorful robes stated loud and clear. Everyone began to whisper. Some about not wanting to be first and others about what house they would go in.

“Abraxas Malfoy” A young boy with blonde hair that was almost white. He had a smirk on his face the moment that hat touched head and without hesitation loudly announced 

“Slytherin.” Loud clapping coming from the table filled with students in green and black robes. I watched as he quickly walked over to the house he was placed in. I remember Tilly telling me about how all the houses worked. I sighed quietly to myself as I listened and watched each kid go with excited looks on their faces and then suddenly my name was called. 

“Mara.” My eyes shot up. I felt my hand become sweaty and my stomach turned. Whispers around me grew. 

“No last name? What's that about?” I heard the boy next to me saying as I started to push through the crowd. Finally I walked up to the stool and stared out toward the questioning face around me. I sat there waiting for my placement. The only thing going through my mind was how much I was ready for this to be over. I felt the hat land on my head and words hissed at me.

“How interesting. Very rare to see someone with your blood here. It has been some time since the last.” The hat spoke as if he knew everything about me. 

“Bravery is there along with a cunning intellect. Though your thirst for knowledge is strong. Hmm.” He was speaking as if I cared. I know what I wanted and I didn't care where I was placed. 

I crossed my arms staring up at the hat on my head. 

“I see now where your heart is and where you belong.” he paused. 


The moment that thing was off my head I jumped down and walked over to the Ravenclaw table. I remember how much everyone had clapped when the others went but when I walked almost no one did. I could hear a few and one was smiling brightly at me, Tilly thank you. It calmed my nerves. I sat down next to some girls who completely ignored me. 

“Tom Riddle.” I turned and watched the next student to walk up. It was him, the boy from the boat ride. His face was expressionless. While he sat there waiting for a response from the hat I could have sworn I saw a flicker in his eyes. Did he enjoy the attention or something? 


Sounds of clapping as he walked off to the table right beside mine. He sat facing toward me next to the boy with snowy white hair. He was looking at me. It wasn't one of confusion or disgust, just a plan look. I was the first to turn my gaze to the rest of the ceremony, but I could still feel his eyes falling on me often. 

I heard loud giggling beside me and one girl turned to look at me and began with a smug smile. 

“So is it just Mara? I have never heard anyone being called up with no last name before.” She said, as to be expected I would get asked this. I leaned my head on the hand that was resting on the table and turned to her. 

“So?” I asked with a cocky tone. Her eyes widened at my response. I could feel a lot of eyes on me as that part around the table grew quiet. Damn it. 

This is the one thing I didn't want but to keep my identity a secret I have to. I bite the inside of my cheek. 

“I suddenly lost my appetite. Excuse me.” I stood up and my eyes met with that boy again. He had been watching. I turned and walked toward the main door. Quite a few older kids were doing the same. Then a student with a badge on stopped me before I could walk completely out. 

“Hi there, my name is Vina Hughes, Perfect for Ravenclaw. Might I ask where you are going?” she said cautiously. Shit.

Sorry for the late upload went to a concert today so hadn't had time to post it.

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