Chapter 5: The Incident

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§ Tom §

~ Pov ~

She had died? Tom mind was racing as the smell of herbs and roots sat before him for potions class. The full room reminded him of the Slytherin common room.

"I would say it would have been very eventful. How did she live?" I asked turn my full attention to her. It was the first time I had actually gotten an answer from anyone about Mara. He had asked a few teachers but other that she was from Hogsmeade was all I found out.

"Mara doesn't like me talking about herself to anyone." Matilda said with a sigh. Her hands were placed on the table as if she was taking a big leap.

"Look, I want Mara to have more friends. She spends most of her time alone, but I respect her so I can't tell you. If you want to know, ask her and she will tell you what she knows herself. Well-" She looked to the side glancing at the door.

"If she trusts you. I just don't have the heart to ask. She has been in so much pain. How could I ever ask her about her past." She stated before Professor Slughorn came into the room to begin class.

I quickly began writing everything down I could and focused on my work but still I found in the back of my head Mara and her mystery remained.

After class I had some time to go to the library and continue studying my heritage. I had become obsessed with it since I was sorted into Slytherin. However much I wanted to know the truth. My father has to be a Wizard and must still be alive, I hope. My Mother was more than likely the muggle being so weak to die after giving birth to me.

I found my usual spot had been taken so I wandered toward the back of the library in a corner for History of Magic. Usually empty since it wasn't a subject much liked. As I rounded the corner I found myself looking at a different sight altogether.

Mara. Her hair was down, it was long and flowed like water to her mid back. Even in the sunlight gleaming on it still looking as black as night. Her pale face is soft and comfortable. Her head was laying on a book in front of her. He didn't deny she was pretty but lazy and just some nuisance.

He hadn't stopped thinking about what her friend had said. She was in pain, from the looks of things she seems just fine to me. I noticed her nose was bleeding. I walked swiftly over to her to check on her. She was still breathing but why was she bleeding? As soon as I placed my hand on her back I felt a pull on my arm away from her. Her head shot up so quickly. Blood still trailing down her face.

"Why- Riddle?" Her voice sounded harsh at first but seemed lost when she released it to me.

"You're bleeding out of your nose." As I stated it her hand slowly let go of mine and placed it on her nose. She stared at the blood as she pulled her hand into her sight again. The sight for some reason almost seemed to pause in his mind.

"Oh, no worries, it happens." She pulled out a handkerchief and cleaned her nose up. I noticed it bled the day we met right after the sort ceremony. I was curious once again about her.

"I am Riddle by the way, Tom Riddle." I said with a small smile and a hand gesture toward her. She stared at it.

"Mara." She said as her small hand wrapped around mine, shaking it in return.

"Why are you sleeping in the library?" I asked as she finally seemed to not be so tense. She turned to sit back down.

"I was tired." She softly spoke with a yawn right after. Her hair falling back down. I walked to the other side and sat across from her. She lifted her head and gave me a strange look.

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