Chapter 4

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I didn't talk to any of the brothers for the rest of the night. It's day time and I know all the brothers are asleep. Instead of sleeping, I go to the front yard to walk. I sit down on the fountain, facing the front gate. I place my hands on my face and my elbows on my legs. "Why?"I mutter to myself. "Why did I have to fall for a vampire?"
"Which one of us did you fall for?" I immediately recognize that voice. It's Subaru. "H-hi, Subaru,"I say, shocked at his abrupt appearance, though I know he must have teleported here. "Which one?"he demands.

"Would it calm you down if I told you that it isn't you?"

"You might as well tell whichever one of us it is...we've all fallen for you."

I'm shocked at this, but even more surprised when he tries to kiss me. I push him off of me and yell,"Get lost!" He stares at me as I run back to mansion towards my room.

I fall face down on my bed and begin to weep. The last time I cried was seven years ago, when I was ten. My dog Max had died three years before then, but I had just figured out the cause of his death. My father had been drunk, and was mad that Max was sleeping all day. My dad smashed an empty beer bottle on Max's head and then bashed Max's skull open with some punches. Today, though, I'm not crying of sadness. I am crying of confusion. 'Why?' I ask myself. Why? Why did I fall for a vampire? I don't mind much that he can be selfish and a possessive freak. What I mind is that I fell for a vampire when I could never love a normal human. It possibly has to do with how my parents treated me. Maybe it caused me to develop some sort of fear of humans. I used to flinch all the time, but I trained myself to be tough and not give in easily. I don't know why, but I actually feel that it's better for me to love a vampire than a human. It's easier to figure out a vampire, at least for me it is. I don't care anymore though. I just feel like dying or something.


I must have fallen asleep while I was crying, for my clock reads 4:02 p.m., when it had read 12:41 p.m. the last time I had checked it. Suddenly, I become aware of a hand around my waist. I try to get up to check who it belongs to, but whoever it is, they have a good grip on me. I have a feeling it might be Subaru. But I don't think he would do that. I am able to turn around, and I find myself facing a sleeping face. Not just anyone's face, though. This face belongs to the guy of my dreams, Ayato. I feel myself blushing as I let out a faint chuckle, careful not to wake him up. I return his embrace and let out a sigh. If only it could be like this forever. Just him and me, alone, with nobody bothering us. I am lost in my own thoughts when he says,"So you're awake, eh?" I quickly open my eyes and remove the hand I have wrapped around him, and I wipe the faint smile from my face. "You deserve a punishment for the laughing remedy you gave me earlier,"he says teasingly,"but I'll be nice and let you off easily...if you do one thing..." "What do you want me to do?"I ask in a casual tone, not acting as if I was melting from laying in the same bed as the guy I love and so close to him. "Kiss me," he whispers. I'm taken aback. Did he just say what I think he said? My crush just asked me to k-kiss him! "A-ayato!"I say in astonishment. "Choose...punishment...or a simple kiss?"he seductively whispers in my ear. Kiss. I'm going to kiss him. Without giving him time to make a move, I push myself into him. I let my warm lips meet with his cold ones as I embrace him. It feels so good. 'My first kiss,' I realize. He is surprised at first, but then gives in, and hugs me back. It lasts for about a minute, then we slowly pull apart. We smile at each other for what feels like forever. After a while he kisses me on my forehead and leaves. I decide to take a shower since we will have to eat soon. While showering, all I can think about is my first kiss. The warmth it gave me, even though his lips we ice cold. The only thing I had ever truly loved before in my life was Max. But that had been different, since I had been younger and Max had been my pet. This kiss had not been a proclamation of love, though. I still need to confess my love to him. How, I do not know...

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