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Hey guys! Figured I would update this again! So, as this part is titled Changes, it's about how I changed. It's been about 3 years since I started this, so obviously I've changed quite a bit. I still have basically the same music taste, like the same movies, but I have changed. 

My favorite colors are no longer blood red and sapphire blue, they're sapphire or navy blue, lilac, black, and probably crimson. I still love blood red but it's not in my favorites anymore. 

My hair length is different, it's always short, never goes past half-way down my neck. Usually when I get it cut it's even above my ears. 

My favorite shows have changed to Black Butler, The Flash, and Haven.

I'm probably going to update this without writing much more, but there's a person, okay? A person that's pretty cool, and blushes and is adorable. Today kind of sucked because I couldn't see them but I'm hoping I can sometime soon. They're really awesome and kind. 

Anyway I'm gonna go now, maybe I'll update this again soon. 

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