How It All Begins

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"Hey Kayla, I need your help with something.  But you can't tell y/n about it, I want your help with proposing to her, call me when you get the chance please," Rick sends the message to your sister, knowing that if he is going to pull this off how he wants to she needs to help walk you through everything.
You should be able to figure it out yourself but he wants you to have someone to talk the answers through, help you with ideas as you think about what you need to do next.  And while his friends are helping him with the rest of it, he needs her help on your end.
About an hour later his phone rings, and when he notices the name on the screen he lets out a sigh before answering, glad that it is Kayla.  "Hey, thank you for calling me back.  Are you game for helping me?"
"Of course but don't I have to know what I am helping you with before I can answer for sure?" She asks, teasing the man, but also because she loves getting under his skin.  It is something that she has always excelled in, has made it her mission to annoy him as much as she has always done to you... and has succeeded at.
"I want to make it a puzzle, do a scavenger hunt type thing.  So you would give her the first rose, which would have a note and clue tied to the stem for her to read.  Once she figures out what the first clue is that would lead her to where the next rose is.  One of the guys or our friends would be there to give her the next one, and it would continue until she is given the 12th one.  The last one would tell her where I am and that would be where I finally ask her.  I would like you to stick with her the entire day and not answer her where to go but be there for her to talk the clues out with, to figure out what to do or where to go.  Plus you are so close I want you to be part of the day, if I keep you in the loop will you do this for me? For us?" Rick asks, letting out a soft sigh while he listens to your sister's line, which is silent as she processes what he asks.
"I would love to help, you tell me when and where to be and we will do it.  That is such a sweet way to ask her, perfect for her as much as she loves figuring puzzles out.  She is going to love this, and I would be honored to have a part in this.  Let me know what all you need help with and I will get started with it," your sister answers, even though Rick can't see it he knows that there is a huge smile on her face.  Your entire family has been pressuring him for a while to ask you, so he knows that she is  excited about this.
Now to figure out the exact details of each of his clues and get everything into place so that he can act on this and finally ask you to marry him.

The Scavenger Hunt Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora