Clue 1: Where We First Met

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"Hey, thank you for helping me today with this project I am working on... actually, I lied to you and in all actuality I am here to help you with a project that you have to do today.  I'm sorry I am making you get up so early but there is a lot for us to do today and I wanted to make sure that you have time. Go put on this dress and your jacket, plus some comfortable shoes because we are going to be busy almost all day," you sister says.
She all but shoved her way into your house today, telling you that you need to stop moping over Ricky being gone and get out of the house to do something with her.  And while you are really confused, can't figure out what the fuck is going on or what project she might be talking about you doing, but you know that telling her no is never an option and she will get her way, so you let out a defeated sigh before stepping into your bedroom to get changed into the dress that she gave you with.
When you walk back out she has a big smile on her face, pulling you into a hug before letting go and looking at you. "Okay, let me do your hair and make up first, make you adorable and then we will be on our way.  I promise this will all make sense soon, just trust me okay?"
"Yeah, okay," you conceded, taking a seat where she wants you at and letting her begin to curl your hair for you. 
"I wonder what is up with Rick today, usually he sends me a good morning message when he is gone by now, and I haven't gotten one today," you say softly, trying to make conversation with your sister.
She pauses her movements for a second, making you glance at her before she starts working on your hair again, wanting to keep you from figuring out that something is up and that's why he didn't.
"I bet he just slept in after a late night, it is only 8 in the morning," she says quickly, almost too quickly.  Something is up, you may not know what but you can tell that something is going on.
"What are you hiding from me?" You ask her, trying to use your stern voice but she just ignores you, humming and pretending to not hear you speak. You want to question her, but you know that she wouldn't tell you unless she is ready so instead you just sit there in the quiet. 
"When does he come home again?  It is coming up soon isn't it?" Kayla asks you, the silence starting to bother her and she is worried if she doesn't keep talking that she might spill something she shouldn't to you.
"Tomorrow, I am so ready.  It has been months since he has been home this time, I miss him so much.  You'd think it gets easier the more we are together but it never does," you say sadly, glancing down for a moment to regain your composure.  "He's worth it though, really."
"Yeah, I must say he treats you well which is all that matters," she squeezes your shoulder softly before moving so she can start on your makeup.
Within a couple minutes she is done and you move to get your jacket out of your room, wanting to stay warm in the cool spring weather while you do whatever it is you are doing, you aren't too sure what that is supposed to be but she's gotta tell you soon right?
When you step back out into the living room she is standing there, holding a rose out towards you with a smile on her face.
"This is for you, and the note with it will explain everything, I promise.  Now why don't you read it so that we can get going, I'm getting impatient but I promised I would make sure you look nice for this," she says, almost giggling like a toddler as she hands you the rose and a letter with a smile.

My Personal Nancy Drew,
I know that by now you are confused, trying to figure out what Kayla is up to as she gets you dressed and ready for the day.  Hopefully she has not spilled it by now, I am going to assume she didn't.
Let me start by saying that you will see me when you finish your scavenger hunt, that you will find me at the end when you find all the clues and solve the puzzles that I have left for you at each location.  I know that you love having to figure things out, which is why I always joke that you are my personal Nancy Drew, so I have left a trail of clues for you and you have to figure them out so you know where to go next.  You will know that it is right when you tell someone the correct thing, and they give you your next rose with the next clue.
Each rose will have something that I love about you tied to the stem so that when you are done, you have 12 reasons why I love you and a note, carrying you on to the next place.  Some clues may be easier than others, but I am hoping that as you go through the puzzles that you will enjoy the walk down memory lane that they give you. 
So to get started it will be simple, where did we first meet? When you get there you need to find a special, and if you tell the lady at the counter the correct one she will give you the next clue.  I know that one is easy, but you will have to search to find out what the correct special is, and I know once you do that you will be able to tell that it is correct. 
So get on your way, start your adventure and I will see you soon, but hopefully not too soon. 
I love you,

You look down at the rose, looking at the little tag on the stem that reads "I love how you always support me and my dreams, many times in ways that I could never imagine you would."
You turn and look at your sister with a smile, giving her a hug to thank her for her part in this, though you are unsure how much of a part she actually has in this.  But the fact that she is taking part in it, that she is helping with this means a lot to you, more than she probably knows.
"Thank you, I know where we need to go.  Are you ready?" You ask her, moving to grab your purse before the two of you leave.
"Of course I am, if you know where we are going," she says with a smile, following you out of the door, both of you going to her car.  "We need to go to the Blackbird Coffee House, that is where we met the first time."
"Did you two bump into each other or something that day?  All I remember is you told me about this beautiful man that you met," she teases, as she begins the short drive to the coffee shop that you told her to go to.
"Yeah, so I was sitting at a table reading and he noticed the book I was reading and asked me a question about it.  We wound up talking for almost an hour before we realized how long it had been.  We exchanged phone numbers and stayed in contact, mostly about books at first until we were hanging out one night and he finally told me that he really liked me and asked me on a date.  I had no clue that studying at the coffee shop would have ever led me to meet someone but I am glad it did," you said with a smile.  Remembering that day dearly, one of the best days of your life if you were being honest.
"Maybe I shouldn't have asked, I didn't expect the answer to be so sickeningly sweet. Gross.  Anyways, we're here.  Let's go in and figure out what the special he is talking about is," she says, shutting the car off before you both get out.
When you walk in you are greeted with a smile by the barista at the counter, which you return before your eyes scan the specials board.  Trying to find anything that catches your eye on it, that might make sense of a clue.  A few moments later you realize that some letters in the specials list are a different color and when you put them all together they spell Ricky Special.
You turn towards the barista, a smile on your face as you ask her for the Ricky Special. 
"I was wondering when you would show up and ask for it, these are for you.  And what can I get you to drink ladies, I was told to make sure you both have a drink before you leave, on the house.  What would you like?" She smiles as she hands you the rose with a piece of paper.
You let her know what you want when you start to read the tag on the rose, this one reading "I love that you comfort me like you do, make all my problems melt away while with a simple hug."
The barista hands you both your drinks as you sit down on the table so that you can read the letter that was left here for you to your sister, tell her what the next clue is.

You figured out the first clue, I am so proud of you but you are only just beginning. 
It only made sense to start you here, because this is where our story started.  Where we first met each other.  When I had to leave and get back on the bus because we were starting  tour I already knew that you were it for me.  You can ask the boys, I told them all about what you looked like and how we talked about the book that day.  I'm pretty sure they wanted to kill me, but they dealt with it.
We spent that entire tour talking, getting to know each other.  I was so glad when you agreed to go for a walk with me when we finished that tour a month and a half later, I knew that I was going to ask you on a proper date that night after I told you how I felt about you, and that is where you need to go next.  Go to the park where we confessed that we liked each other for the first time.  There will be a puzzle set up for you there that will give you the next clue and answer.
I love you and can't wait for you to keep going, enjoy the weather and the memories.
See you soon,


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