Clue 4: Our First Kiss

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"City park, you had your first kiss at a park?" She asks you, cocking an eyebrow at you in curiosity.  That would not be where she would guess if she were being honest, she expected your apartment building or something.
"Did he not tell you where each location was ahead of time?" You question her, wondering what exactly she does know.
"No he did not, I don't know much more than you.  He was worried I would accidentally spill something to you and he did not want that to happen so he didn't tell me much.  A couple I figured out because you have told me about those moments but that is it, really," she says as she continues the drive, flipping off a driver who cut her off.
"To be fair, you would be one to get frustrated at me for taking to long and would just tell me," you said with a laugh, knowing how your sister is and how big her mouth is.
"Yeah, I probably would.  Okay, so you should know the drill by now, I want the story of your first kiss, that apparently happened at the park," she asks, more like demands from you.
"You're not going to believe me because it straight up was like something out of a movie," you say with a laugh.
"Spill," she groans.
"I was having a bad day, and you know that on bad days I used to hide out at the park.  I would swing, or watch kids play or whatever.  He knew I was having a bad day and we were texting, finally got me to spill where I was.  It was close to sundown, so pretty dark, nobody was there with me as I sat up at the top of one of the slides, just thinking after my awful work day, wallowing in self pity. He showed up and sat up there with me for quite awhile, letting me cry and vent about how awful my day was, brushing my tears away while I let it all out.  I was so embarrassed, at this point we had just started dating, so I hadn't let him see me like this before.  But instead of commenting on it, or how my makeup ran down my face, anything, he just sat there and held me while I let everything out.  When I was done and calmed down I felt a little better and he was trying to make me smile, but failed.  He finally gave up and started tickling my sides, making me laugh until I fell backwards down the slide.  He came down on his stomach and when he reached the bottom where I was, landing on top of me we just... kissed.  It was beautiful, it felt so right, I could tell right then that he was it, I would never find someone else who was better for me," you say softly, a couple stray happy tears starting to spill over your cheeks which you quickly brush away.
"That was the cutest thing that I have ever heard, are you serious?  Why didn't you ever tell me about that, that is like every woman's dream.  The more stories you tell me the more I am glad you found him, really.  So, are you ready to get out and go see what Justin is currently holding for you?" She asks, putting the car in park and reaching out to grab your hand, give it a squeeze.
You nod, lost in your thoughts as you slowly step out of the car.  Your sister notices that you are walking slowly, watches you for a moment before asking you if you are okay.
"Yeah, just lost in my thoughts is all," you answer truthfully, smiling as you walk up towards Justin, wanting him to know that you are thankful for what he is doing with you.
"You are making decent progress, I'm glad to see you!" He answers, watching the two of you walk up to him. 
"Thank you, and thank you for being a part of whatever this thing is, I appreciate it even if I have no clue what it is we are fully doing but," you trail off with a nervous laugh.  Not sure what to say each time you run into the next person, because it is becoming a somewhat broken record.  And you are ready to just meet with Ricky at this point if you were being honest.
"I won't waste time and keep you here too long, I promise.  I have a crossword for you that Ricky had made, the clues are all based on books and when you finish it the boxes that are in a different color are the letters for the next destination for you.  I have a pen and we can sit on the picnic table if you want.  I'm allowed to give you two clues if you should need them, but I doubt you would even ask me for one knowing you," he says with a laugh, handing you a couple pieces of paper and letting you get started.
"Are they all book titles? This should be easy.  Umm lets see, this one is The blank Mile by Stephen King, well he is making this easy so far," you mumble to yourself as you write green in for the answer. 
"The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn.... Oh wait, that would be Mark Twain," you say to yourself as you keep moving, continuing to mumble to yourself as you try to figure the answers out, as you work through the puzzle in your mind. 
Justin watches you in amazement as you fly through the puzzle, he knows you love puzzles and are good at them but he didn't expect that you would finish them that quickly, you having almost finished this puzzle in only 10 minutes. 
"Last one, Nancy Drew and the Hidden... obviously staircase.  He must have decided to give me an easy puzzle after tormenting me with the last one.  This was simple and now to plug in all the answers to where it goes in the bottom.... And it says First time I said I love you. Well, now we both know where to go again.  Fuck, are we almost done?" you groan, ready to just get this all done and over with. 
Justin laughs, "Not quite, I think you are maybe what? Halfway? Now, do you want your letter and rose or should I keep them and let you wander without them?" He teases, messing with you as he hands them both over to you with a smile.
"Thank you Justin," you say softly, looking at the playground with a smile.
"Which slide was it for your first kiss?" Your sister asks you, curious.
You point it out with a smile at the memory, maybe when this is all said and done the two of you should go down it again for old times sake.
"Should we read your letter now?" she asks you, knowing that you are ready to keep going.

I hope you enjoyed your crossword, I knew you would probably fly through it but not all puzzles need to be difficult for you, some are just for fun.  I hope you enjoyed the fun... and my little Nancy Drew plug I made.
This was probably the place I was most excited to bring you, I don't know if it means much to you but it means so much to me.  That was the first night I saw you break, that you made yourself vulnerable in front of me and let me raise you up instead of you helping my moods.  I remember wanting to cry with you while I watched you cry that night, unable to help you but feeling so much love in my heart because I knew that you trusted me to see that side of you.  I would have done anything to make it better for you, and I hope you know that I still will do anything I can to make things better for you when you are down.
It made me so happy when I finally got you to smile, even if it was because I was tickling you and being a bit mean towards you in that way.  You are most beautiful when you are happy, and I would do anything to keep you that way.  That night made me so happy, that I had the ability to make you smile.  I think that is the night I realized I loved you, even if I wouldn't say it towards you for quite awhile after. 
When you fell down that slide and I went down after you, I decided that I was done fighting it, that I was going to take my chances and kiss you finally, and pray that you would let me.  That you felt the same way and wanted the same things as me, and when you did that made me so happy.  I can still remember how happy I was that night when we both went home, after several more kisses and giggles between us.  You still make me that happy, I still strive to make you happy when you have bad days.
I wish I was there to watch you solve all these puzzles, I love watching you use your brain as you think through complicated things, as you figure out the answers to things.  But it will all be worth it in the end... and your sister has promised to keep sending me photos of you enjoying each step.
Keep up the great work baby,

Your sister notices that this letter really gets to you, this one being the one that finally gets you emotional enough to where you start to cry a little bit as you read his words.  That he views you so highly, that he feels this way about you and cares so much for you... that he always has.  It makes you happy, you genuinely love him and each of these reminders is showing you how much he loves you too.
"Damnit, don't cry," your sister groans, pulling you into a tight hug as soon as she realizes that the letter has gotten to you so much.  Justin quickly joins, pulling the two of you into a group hug, making you laugh.
"Sorry, just these letters are making me so happy," you say when they pull away, brushing your tears from your cheeks while hoping your makeup didn't run too badly.
"They should, it is incredibly sweet.  Not many guys would put in work like this for their girlfriend, wife, whatever they are.  It is clear that he really means what he says when he says he loves you sis, and I am glad that you have someone who treats you so well," Kayla says, giving you a smile.
"Oh, it is clear you are his world.  I'm pretty sure he wouldn't hesitate on doing anything if it meant taking care of you, I hope you know that y/n.  This is kind of proof, he has spent the last month on this for you," Justin says, making you look at him.
"Has he really, that is so sweet.  I wish I could tell him that right now," you say softly. 
"You will see him soon, now, should we get to the next place? Keep the show going? The sooner we finish the tasks the sooner we get to see him," Kayla asks, trying to keep you moving.
"Of course," you answer as you all say your goodbyes and make your way back to your sister's car while waving goodbye to Justin. 
You move to look at the tag on your newest rose. "I love that you let me see you at your lowest, that you let me take care of you like you take care of me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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