Twenty Three

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The next morning, the aching soreness between my legs told me that teasing Myles was not something I wanted to do unless I wished to get pounded so hard I saw stars.

Then again, maybe that was the goal.

It had been amazing, after all.

My center ached at the memory of what had happened the night before. I had officially become Myles's girlfriend. He was my boyfriend. We were together. For real.

The labels and non-commitments I had pretended not to want had gone out the window, and I was thrilled.

Myles was already awake when I rolled over to face him, scrolling through something on his phone. He grinned when he looked over at me. "Good morning, beautiful."

I smiled lazily at him. Exhaustion still wore at me - no doubt thanks to our middle of the night work out in the shower. "What time is it?"

"A little after nine. You can sleep longer. I'm sure you're worn out," he replied with a wink.

I groaned. I had no idea how long we'd slept in the living room floor before we'd finally made our way to the bedroom. At least a couple of hours. But the rendezvous at 3am had certainly used up the energy my body had worked so hard to restore during that nap.

I scooted myself closer to Myles and rested my head on his chest. He used his free hand to brush gentle lines up and down my back. The tickling sensation caused me to shiver.

"I take it you're not going back to sleep," Myles chuckled. He locked his phone and sat it on the nightstand beside him.

I shook my head. "No, I'm not sleepy," I lied. Really I just wanted to spend time with him. Even if we spent all day rotting in bed together, I wanted to be close to him.

"Liar," he observed.

I giggled and tilted my head up to look at him. His hair was messy from sleep. His green eyes were locked on me, a smile spread across his soft lips. I pushed up and pressed a kiss to them. "I can't believe I let you talk me in to being your girlfriend," I teased.

"I can't believe you fell for it," he shot back, giving me another kiss.

I giggled against his lips. "Maybe I should quit my teasing before you try to kill me again."

"Oh, yeah?" Myles remarked. He had one eyebrow raised at me, his eyes taunting. "We certainly wouldn't want that, now would we?"

Yes. Yes, we definitely would.

"Definitely not," I fibbed. "I'd hate to have to beg for mercy."

I was well aware of the fact that the white t-shirt he'd loaned me to sleep in left little to the imagination. The thin material allowed Myles to see straight through to the breasts that were beneath. The shirt fell just below my mid thigh. I wasn't wearing any underwear underneath.

Just as Myles was about to reply, undoubtedly with some comment that would have me mounting him for a repeat of the night before, both of our phones started blowing up with notifications. We exchanged knowing glances before reaching for them.

Dedrick (9:17 am): Yooooo. Anybody else notice some suspicious activity on Find My Friends?

Mason (9:17 am): Huh?

Mason (9:18 am): Nvm. Just checked. Myles? Alli? MAX? Someone explain what is going on rn.

Jake (9:19 am): Damn. Guess cat's out of the bag now. Y'all make it official yet?

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