Chapter 13. R&R

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~in which rest becomes a priority and and shoes are not required~

Even worse I had left my staff at home thinking I wouldn't need it. Had Fizz and faeries really been living so close to me this whole time? That was an unsettling thought. Ok I had to think of something.

"There has to be a way out of here," I said examining the vines more closely.
We looked around, trying to find a weak spot in the vines. But they were all thick and strong, forming a solid barrier.

Just then, we heard a whistle from above. Looking up we saw Leif, sitting on a branch, smiling at us and wasn't he a sight to behold. He was wearing a green tunic and a ponytail just like me. That was kinda cute.

"Leif!" I exclaimed, my eyes lighting up, "I'm so glad your here!  Some pesky fairy called fizz trapped us here and left!"

"Looks like you're in a bit of a pickle."
He winked at us and jumped down from the branch, landing gracefully on the ground. He walked towards the vines and touched them with his hand. He whispered something to them, and they parted, creating a gap for us to pass.

"Come on, let's go," he said, gesturing for us to follow him. I couldn't believe it.  Doesn't practice magic my ass!

"How did you do that?" I demanded.

"I have a way with plants," Leif said, shrugging. "They like me, and I like them. It's more of a little trick rather than a spell or anything. We simply understand each other."  He smiled and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked. I wasn't so sure I believed him but I was glad to put fizz behind me for now. 

"Some trick!"

"Pretty useful in a pinch," he said "Anything for you, Faustine. Anything for you." 

He walked us all the way back to the forest and assured us that we were safe now.  As it turns out, we had wandered into faerie territory. He proceeded to tell us about all the markers that indicate where faire country is in the forest.  Now we knew. Would have been useful to know that before hand but I was bound to have to learn lessons about my new home at some point.  We were safe now and that was what mattered most. 

"Are we still on to meet tonight?" He asked giving me a questioning look.  He probably could see just how tired I was. 

"Yeah of course.  I was going to go home today to grab some things but now all I want is a shower and a nap!"

"Definitely prioritize your rest. You'll need it. Oh and we'll be swimming again tonight, just a heads up, so come prepared."

"Ok, sounds like a plan I said.  I'll see you later then."

"See ya!" He said and gave me a warm parting hug that was energizing enough all on its own.

Back inside I opted for a warm herbal bath and a nap rather than a trip to the palace this afternoon. And still I found that some not so small part of me was glad to be postponing the trip home again. Saraphina was so shaken up by the events of this morning that she decided to rest as well. So much for a fun peaceful morning ride. Maybe she really was just fine in the yard. No. That couldn't be true . The forest was hers just like it was mine. We'd give it another go soon enough and this time we'd be be more careful where we trod.

I gave her a good brush to clean her up a bit and let her rest peacefully in the living room by the hearth pit. When onyx heard of our adventure he simply responded that fairies were a particular type of fae that were either no good nasties or all good fun. I'd say that was true.  I headed to wash to relax before napping myself.

In the washroom we're several tin bins and wooden barrels stuffed to the brim with fragrant dried herbs and flowers, the walls and basin, were entirely made of black stone.  Most of the room was covered in flowering overgrown moss and roots with little sparkling  red mushrooms growing here and there.  It was a striking and relaxing room, the likes of which I had never seen.

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