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Here is a request I got from the lovely @HailyHemmings ! Hope you like it!



You glanced at your reflection in the mirror, it was time for your interview for the Teen awards and you were just checking if you looked alright. The newest song you had released was nominated for an award and you were asked for permission to be interviewed about yourself. Tucking a stray strand of fringe hair behind your ear you headed towards the room you would be interviewed in. Sighting you walked through the corridor that lead to your destination, you had no idea what kind of questions you would be asked and it was your first time on an event as big as the Teen awards.

 You arrived to a big crimson door with two security guards on each side. "Miss Y/N?" The guard with messy dirty-blonde hair spoke up. Nervously you nodded and he smiled. "Go ahead" He opened the door to reveal a large white room with fancy crimson curtains hanging around, two long cream-white sofas with a small white coffee table in the center. You directed your attention to the two tall guys who were standing next to the sofa. As you entered the room you got a better look of them. Both of them tall, you were not short, but compared to them you were a hobbit, one of them had jet black hair styled in a fringe and blue sky eyes, he seemed to be distracted, looking around and smiling. The other guy, which you thought was really handsome, was looking at you. He had his hair in a straight fringe, the color of chocolate caramel, he had beautiful brown eyes and a smile that could melt you right in the spot, with that smile dimples formed on his cheeks. He waved at you. "Hello! I am guessing you are Y/N, I am Dan" He said pointing at himself. "Oh! and I am Phil, we are your interviewers" You froze in the spot, looking at them. "Wait, you are Y/N right, if not this could be quite awkward" Dan said with terror creeping to his face. "Y-yeah, sorry, I am Y/N, nice to meet you. It is just that this is my first interview" Dan smiled again "Don't worry this is not serious business" He said with a chuckle and Phil did a little dance. You giggled. "Ok, I understand. How will this be going? If I may ask" Phil posted at the camera. "When the camera man makes the signal we ask you questions, we even have a little challenge, don't worry nothing too formal." Relived you smiled "Thank god." Dan sat on one of the sofas and Phil sat next to him. "You may want to sit Y/N, by the way, what a nice outfit you got there" He said doing a hand movement. You glanced at your outfit. You were wearing white flats with a small turquoise ribbon, black plain leggings and a turquoise floppy shirt that looked kind of like a crop top. You smiled at him and sat. "Thank you Dan. I may say the same of you two guys" The both them smiled. Then a girl gave you three a microphone and the camera man lifted a finger.

 "Well look who we are with! None other than the beautiful Y/N!" Dan said looking at the camera then at you. Phil nodded with his eyes wide open. "And we are here to ask her some questions. Well hello Y/N are you excited for your nomination" You smiled at him and nervously glanced at the camera. "Well, I am exited but I am also really nervous! It is my first time in an event like this. I am indeed so nervous that earlier I almost took my cat instead of my purse here" Dan chuckled. "Oh my, good that you noticed. And Y/N how old were you when you started to play...guitar is it?" You nodded. "Yes guitar, I was 16 when I started." The microphone started to wobble in your hands as you were shaking.Phil spoke "I get it that your song got nominated as best song on the rise! That is awesome! And if I may ask, how old are you?" You nodded. "It is indeed amazing and I am really flattered about it and I don't mind at all! I am 23" From the corner of your eye you saw Dan moving and mouthing *yes!*. "Well Y/N we got a challenge for you, you are competing against me in the 7 second challenge that was created by my creative mate Phil here. Here we have a hat with our challenges" Dan took a llama hat from behind the couch, then stood up and sat beside you. "Ok are you ready?" You nodded making a face "I will take the time and tell you when to stop" Phil said as he sat on the edge of his couch. "Ready...Set...Go!" Dan grabbed a paper from the hat. "Do an impression of an ostrich" Confused you stood up and stranded on your tiptoes placing your arms to resemble wings and did an inhuman sound. Dan chuckled and took another paper. "Make a new dance style" You started swaying around awkwardly while Dan stared at you smiling. "Tell us a pun." You sat biting your lip. "I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down." Dan shook his head and face palmed while Phil just giggled. "Times up!" Panting you holded your chest. "That was intense" Dan put his hand on your shoulder, making you shiver. "And hilarious, I expect many gifs out of this" The three of you chuckled. "Guess its the end now, thank you so much for letting us interview you and deride you for entertainment Y/N. Please don't hate us." You shook your head."There is no way I can hate you guys you are great. And what a pity this is over, it was fun." Dan and Phil waved at the camera and you mimicked them."Off air" The camera man stated. 

 "You are amazing Y/N that was great!" Dan told you sitting so he would face you. "Thanks Dan I was really nervous. You are great too." Phil stood up quickly and gave you a hug. "Bye Y/N I have to go I need to wee" You giggled and Dan widened his eyes. "Phil!" Then Phil left the room. "I apologize for that, he can't help but be like that." Shaking your head and smiling you answered. "No no its ok I think it he is adorable." Dan looked down, sadly. He was starting to think you liked him. "And I thing you are gorgeous Dan." He looked up at you and smiled. "Thank you so much Y/N you are beautiful. If you want to hang with me...with us, again I would be really happy. I mean I understand if you couldn't as you are a star and we are some random guys and yeah" You lifted his head smiling "I would love to! May I ask for your phone number?" Dan smiled and you handed him your phone. He added his contact and gave it back to you with a smirk."Would you like if we saw each other soon? Like for a coffee or anything. If your manager or whatever lets you" You chuckled. "Dan don't worry I am not that famous, sure thing I think you are really lovely and funny. I would love to see you soon! I need to go. Bye." You hugged him and pecked his cheek. He held his cheek as you left the room. When you were outside he sat on the sofa."She is so damn gorgeous, I hope this works out"

Dan and Phil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now