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It was a flash when Percy returned. I quickly shuffled myself into a pose that looked completely innocent, but it didn't seem that way because my smile was slightly more tilted as his eyes scanned the room. Nothing, nothing, BINGO. His eyes were laid upon the vase I used to get water. I anxiously chuckled as he looked at me with suspicious eyes. "I had...cups for the water in the bag, you know that right?"

I stared as I nervously laughed a bit more caving into the anxiety. I could almost feel the side eye from the open computer, it was silent bit there were little bits of sound playing as I glanced down, "I-I didn't really know man, sorry. I just had to grab the meds first thing, damn this headache is bad? You know this, but I'm trying to take care like you promised! I know you wanted me to, sooooo I did! Don't mind the randomly placed vase I drank from I was just confused!" I used a bunch of body language on the whim and watched as Percy followed every movement but seemingly unaware of my tension with the open laptop. I sighed and went on to regain composure, shutting up and taking a seat on the bed awkwardly and grabbing the laptop to set on my lap. I eyed the screen, still on. The time seemed to drag. 10:55 A.M. was too far away. Nothing was happening and the anxiety was showing as I glanced back up to Percy. What if he knew I stole, what if he knew I had a plan. If I told him I knew there was a cure. The thoughts of anxiety were rising but Anon I seemed to actually be peeking in from the pop-up window watching me with nervous eyes in the red avatar. This was a stressful scene with the pure silence now. It was tense and I watched Percy take a seat on his bed on the other side of the room as my eyes darted up and down. I was afraid.

"Y'know when family is gonna visit you?"
"My mom and dad are just bringing my clothes tomorrow. I don't think they're bringing Jodi, it'll just be a simple drop off." I sighed wanting to feel bad. I looked pathetic, even when classes started tomorrow. The smile on my face never faded so I just looked like I was uncomfortable at a family reunion I didn't want to be at. Why the hell did I feel so bad, it felt stuffy in the room with all my stress. Everything felt amplified. It wasn't close to 4:14. I got a chat from Anon I, my eyes drifing back down to the screen before Percy could even reply.

'anoni1983: forgot one thiiiing~! grab some stuff and pretend to be kitchening, you'll need to stash the fruit knife! thank me later ;3'

I nodded slowly because I knew this thing could see me at this point. I set down the laptop and awkwardly grabbed the bag with my items, "I'm gonna go make some of that tea. I'll, uh, be right back!" With all that I took frantic steps over to the little kitchen area. That thing wasnt even lying, there were knives...I questioned how much money this school raked in and put it to decoration at this point. I stared at the stash and swallowed my fear as I quickly took the knife and stashed it carefully in the pocket of my skirt. I glanced around and just took hot water from the sink into the cup to awkwardly place the tea bag and walk back over.

My pocket felt a bit clunky, I felt I would accidentally stab myself in the gut if i even leaned slightly forward. I stood by my bed before slowly sitting down and leaning backwards like an idiot. It looked odd, and I really did look suspicious. I sat like this and it hurt my back so goddamn bad. I had to hold it just in case of the fear of stabbing through good fabric and skin. Bleeding out is the last thing I'd want to do, but I also just need to know this 'cure' and solution. One that allows me to express, one that is allowing for me to be a normal person. I stared at the computer, it felt it wouldn't go dead but side eyeing the bright screen I saw another message. It was some assumptiom from the corner of my eye.

'anoni1983: ohh, waiting isnt fun anymore! boooooring >_> lets spice things up, cause a stir! a bit of tea with a drop of poison. causing a scene will get his guard down to help, to get things closer.'
'anoni1983: use for the fruit knife is finally here!!! yay! i know he's one of those dreamy skater boys with a big goal to help society buuuut we gotta let him prove the care, or he truly will be lying and won't prove the true happiness you need.'
'anoni1983: good luck girlie!!! take the little blade and poke out a peeper! if he's really so interested in helping, he should care when you got at least one dangling from the little hole socket whatever...horrible at anatomy...ANYWAYS BYYEEE GOOD LUCK!!'

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