Shake the salt and light the world Test

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1) What did God create on day 7?

A: humans

B: nothing (he rested)

C: language

D: the church

2) Who was Moses' brother?

A: Jethro

B: Merai

C: Aaron

D: Kohath

3) Who was the only one to lead a sinless life?

A: David

B: Jesus

C: John the Baptist

D: Moses

4) How was the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years healed? She _.

A: touched Jesus' hand

B: touched Jesus' cloth

C: spoke to Jesus

D: went to the temple

5) According to Proverbs, if you don't learn to control yourself you'll end up like a city that _.

A: is empty

B: has no walls

C: has high walls

D: is prosperous

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