Temperance Test

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1) 1 Thessalonians 5:22 states to "Avoid every kind of _."

A: evil

B: honey

C: woman

D: snake

2) Which two items are used for the Lord's supper?

A: bread and tea

B: bread and beans

C: bread and fruit of the vine

D: bread and egg

3) "...eat, drink, and be _"

A: merry

B: gone

C: there

D: sated

4) What did the author of 2 John urge his readers to do?

A: love one another

B: grow in wisdom

C: pray for the saints

D: send help

5) _ was the biblical warrior defeated by the young David in the Book of Samuel.

A: Saul

B: Goliath

C: Joshua

D: Agag

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