Genesis Chapter 3 Test

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1) The serpent told Eve if she ate the fruit of the tree in the garden, she would?

A: die

B: get sick

C: have authority over man

D: be as gods

2) When Eve saw the tree was good for food and pleasant to the eye, and to be desired to make one wise?

A: she asked God for some of the fruit

B: she quickly ran from the tree

C: she ate it and gave some to her husband

D: she knew that the serpent had eaten from the tree

3) After they ate, Adam and Eve's eyes were opened, and they knew _.

A: all things

B: God would destroy them

C: the serpent was their enemy

D: they were naked

4) Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together to _.

A: make shelter

B: make themselves aprons

C: make themselves masks

D: make a trap

5) Adam and Eve hid when they heard this, talking in the garden.

A: the voice of God

B: the voice of the serpent

C: the tree talking

D: a lion

6) What did Adam answer when God asked where he was?

A: who is there?

B: I was naked and afraid so I hid

C: I was not hiding

D: I'm scared of the animals

7) When God asked Adam if he had eaten from the tree, he answered _.

A: no, I didn't 

B: the serpent gave it to me

C: I did and I'm sorry

D: the woman you gave me, gave it to me

8) What did the woman tell God?

A: Adam gave me the fruit

B: the serpent beguiled me

C: I did not eat anything

D: I was hungry

9) God told Adam, that because of his sin, the ground would be cursed and he would eat:

A: by the sweat of his face

B: all sick animals

C: no more fruits

D: dirt and leaves

10) God put Adam and Eve out of the Garden so they wouldn't:

A: mock Him

B: destroy the garden

C: kill any animals

D: eat from the tree of life

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