Let Me be in Her Life

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1 years later

It's been a year . I had a little girl . She's so beautiful. She reminds me a lot about Mitch .

Her name is Alice Hope Grassi . I like that name . I had to give her Mitch last name because he's the father .

I've been talking to Jeremy and found out he lives in this area . I invited him over .

He knows that I have a daughter. He knows everything.

I heard the door bell . I walked up to the door and opened it .

It was Mitch .

How did he find out where I lived .

"Leave " I said and tried to close the door . He opened it .

"Kirstie please let me be in my babies life , I won't forbid you from doing anything you want just please let me be part of my babies life " he said

I thought about it . I still love him .

"Ok " I said . I went to her nursery and picked her up .

I went downstairs. His eyes widen at seeing his baby girl for the first time .

"What's her name ?" He asked me .

"Alice Hope Grassi" I say . His eyes widen again .

"You haves her my last name " he says in suprise.

"Yes I did " I said .

I hear a knock on the door . I opened it and Jeremy was there .

"Ready to go " he says . He then looks and sees Mitch holding Alice .

"What's going on " he says .

"Jeremy meet Mitch , Alice's Father " I say . His eyes widen .

"Why are you here ? " Jeremy asks Mitch . He's mad . He never liked Mitch from the moment I told him he forgot about me and my baby .

"I'm the babies father and I care about Kirstie and Alice ." Mitch says .

"Jeremy it's best if you leave " I say to him .

"Why don't you tell him to leave! " he screams at me . I'm shocked .

"Because he's the father of my baby and I love him " I say .

"You love him , he forgot that he even had a child with you " Jeremy says .

"On ACCIDENT, he was in a car accident , he forgot because he hit his head so hard " I say and kinda scream .

"I realized that I should have never gotten mad at him for something that wasn't his fault " I said .

"Kirstie " Jeremy says in soft voice .

"Leave Jeremy " I say .

He leaves .

"Can I be in her life ?" Mitch asks me .

I nodded.

"You can be in both me and her life ," I say .

"I still love you " Mitch says .

"I do too" I say .


I know all updates are short .

I just want to update for you guys .

Love you ❤️❤️❤️

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