Sun and Snow

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I sat in my dark, cold cell. A thin and worn out blanket was on top of me. The cold still sought to find my skin and did so successfully, chilling me to the bone. My body shivered to keep warm as I glanced around the dim cell. It was disgusting and had mournful grays of cement and bricks stacked up. Bars held me in and had kept me in here, trapped for 12 years. 

Honestly, now that I think about it, I have no idea how I'm not dead. After all the torture and pain I endured, I would have guessed the cold got me by now. But the cold didn't get me, and I lived. 

Today was rather quiet. Guards passed the cells every 15 minutes and checked on . Sometimes, they'd find a nice human popsicle and have to drag them out. I had to bare witness at moments when people I knew were dragged out. Though by now, there weren't any at all left. Just me, the prisoner who people can lash out at. How nice.

My fingers and toes were nipped bright red by the cold and my nose and ears were chilled. The blanket was sorta good, so it was better than nothing. I kept my hands bound together, holding my feet. It was best to keep balled up so that you wouldn't freeze too much. 

I looked around at my very familiar cell and sat against a wall, feeling it touch me with its cold touch. A guard walked by and my gaze followed them until they disappeared behind the walls. Being alone was so difficult every day, and I longed to be free from this hellish cell someday. 

My face was glancing at the floor when I heard it. A sound. A yell and gunshots started off. Wonderful, maybe today I would get out. Well, I'm weak and beaten, but I'll try my best. 

Just down the halls were yells of men as a battle raged on. Now I just had to sit up a bit and listen to the commotion intently. I was hoping to get out, so my eyes were peeled. I heard loud footsteps as gunshots blended into the distance of the base. 

From the new footsteps, I saw the guard run past my cell, gun raised. And then a moment after, a body sounded to the floor after a shot. The footsteps continued as I looked through the bars, hoping. Eventually, a figure did come into my vision. 

A very tall military man, one with a sniper hood and helmet. The hood had streaks down from the eye holes and I glanced towards them, seeing frosty blue eyes stopping at me. The footsteps stopped at my cell as they stood there, a gun held in their hands. 

My body froze up a bit as I looked into their eyes. They looked horrifying and goodness did I not want to be near them. Heck no. The person shuffled a bit as their eyes looked curious to be seeing me. "You're not dead? Huh." He remarked, and by the sound of it, they had a heavy accent, yet it was a funny pitch of his voice, which was weird compared to the size of him.

I shivered and stared at this person for a few seconds, and then they moved. The person disappeared behind the walls, back the way they came. I could hear jingling of keys, and then they came back. He went to my cell door and lifted the keys to the lock. The door croaked a deafening cry, then creaked open. 

Now I was huddled into a corner, shaking like crazy. Who was this person. I am definitely gonna die now. Just by the looks, I'm not living another day. Their footsteps entered my cell as they came in. My fearful eyes glanced up at theirs, and they stepped closer to me, then kneeled down. 

"Can you walk?" He asked, staring into my soul as he did so. I didn't speak, or well, couldn't actually speak at that moment. All I could hear was the heavy beats of my heart and the unsynchronized rhythm of my breath.  

He just kneeled there, waiting for an answer. I could see he was patient, but for how long? The man took a heavy breath and poked me in the arm, making me flinch. I squashed myself against the walls, seeming uptight and frightened. "You don't have to be afraid. Come on out. I don't bite."

I didn't budge, just stared at him with wary eyes. I heard a long sigh from him, then he stood up. Then he just leaned down and flung me over his shoulder like a rag doll. I squirmed around, but that seriously did nothing. The man started walking me out of the cell and went down the halls with me, who was currently trying to kick him (again, not working).

We made it past some dead people and finally got to a room where a bunch of soldiers were formed. They all glanced over as he entered the room with me and just looked. 

"Uh, colonel. Who is that?" One of the soldiers questioned. The man glanced over at him and replied. "A prisoner. We'll take them back with us." The one soldier nodded and a few others all motioned as well. 

Then It was back to moving and he brought me outside. My eyes went wide as I saw the sun and snow. It was so magical to me at that moment. I was out of that cell, free from torture I hope. The nature around me was fascinating after being locked in a dark cold place for a long time. 

But then I snapped back to reality as I was brought into the back of an army truck and sat down on one of the seats. The man with the hood came in with other soldiers and sat. Many glanced at me with different emotions. Some seemed confused, some not really caring, and some had smirks. 

That 'colonel', I'm guessing, sat beside me and looked straight ahead as some other soldiers talked. I don't know if I should trust him, but I guess I should be a bit. He did sorta get me out of that cell.

I sat there silently, just fiddling with my hands and keeping my head low. This was not a very fun situation for me, and I didn't like sitting in a truck full of people I didn't know, especially a tree who sat beside me.

"What.." My voice spoke up, being pretty raspy from dehydration. "Is your name..?" I finished my sentence as I looked up at the hooded figure, still a bit scared of them. It seemed not seeing someone's face was intimidating to me. When they heard me, they looked down at me a bit, not really holding eye contact well.

"My name?" I nodded my head, motioning him to say his name. "My name is König."

König x reader -fem-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang