Chapter Four

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Dragons and the Blight

William's Perspective

Minutes go by as my father and I make it to the mountain's base center, the Knight's Square, as people call it. There, the Matriarch stands, wrapping her wings around the center, leaving only a single entranceway. We make our way in as many riders perch onto the bridges and pillars of the mountain, looking down towards the Square as a single rider stands underneath the Matriarch.

"Dear citizens of Hearthglen, welcome to the grand celebration of the 200th millennium, Festival of Souls! Let's celebrate this momentous occasion together." The person riding had shiny silver armor with a large shoulder guard on the left side. Their hair was long and brown, combed neatly to the right.

My father guided me to a spot in the back so we could oversee everything. I leaned against a large pot that used to house a massive plant as I looked down at the Square.

In the Square, rows of seats arranged in a circular shape descended into the ground, accommodating almost four hundred people. The speaker was pacing at the bottom of the Square, delivering a big speech to the now fully packed audience.

"Today's demonstration is for us to revel in the might of the Dragon Knights. For an entire age, we have been at war with the Blight and its mastermind, Asgard, the Kingdom of Slaves."

My father scoffed, catching me off guard. He used to tell me that Asgard was the Kingdom of Slaves because the King always bought slaves for his kingdom.

I heard rumors that the King of Asgard is the rightful King of Kalos. I never understood what that meant or why he would be considered such a thing. He's the King of Slaves. How is he considered the King of Kalos?

"Our first event shall display the power of those bonded to a dragon." The rider removed his armor and shirt, exposing his muscular torso to the crowd, raising his arms as the crowd cheered for him. Even a few men and women started to whistle at him. "As you all know, all riders' bodies are enhanced by the Dragon Force given to us by our connection to our dragons. A blessing, given to us by Omara. However, the longer and more experience we have with the Dragon Force, the stronger a rider will be and, soon enough, a Dragon Knight, whose body is closer to a dragon's."

The rider waves his hand as a group of soldiers march down to the center, where the rider is. The soldiers had crossbows and spears in their arms.

"These fine soldiers are here to help me demonstrate my and my fellow riders' might." The rider poses as a few of the soldiers readied their crossbows. "Ready. Aim. Fire!"

Everyone shouted out in fear, flinching at the cracking sound of the crossbow firing as the bolts whistled through the air. Even I closed my eyes.

The Square was filled with silence as people murmured in dismay.

The only thing I heard was a few thuds and then silence. Opening my eyes, I saw the rider standing there, torso untouched, with no visible wounds present, as the bolts lay on the ground in front of him. I looked at him in awe. Everyone cheered in awe, amazed at the rider's durability.

You're telling me I would be immune to physical damage? No wonder the Blight loses to the Order.

"As you can see, there are no injuries on me. Every Dragon Rider's skin is as hard as dragon scales, just as much as our armor is. Only weapons infused with magic can harm us, and even then, The rider waved his hand again as the soldiers holding the spears took the spot where the soldiers with crossbows stood. "And now, all the way from Asgard, are the Asgardian Spears. Crafted and enchanted with Asgardian might, these weapons are used against all foes in Asgard's way. Beautiful and deadly."

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