Chapter Twelve

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Rite of Courage

William's perspective

My mind was a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty as I tried to accept the weight of the task at hand. The words, stark white against the black screen, seemed to mock my unease.

[New Objective has been assigned]

[Defeat the Blight Rider and its Blight Dragon]

The screen abruptly disappeared, leaving me and my father to confront the Blight Rider and its Blighted Dragon. Its armor, once formidable, was now a testament to decay, covered in a network of blackish veins. Its kilt swayed ominously—a chilling sight. The dragon's eyes contorted with an eerie white pearl eye, blackish veins covering its ripped-apart body.

As the rider approached us, it unsheathed its sword, revealing a singularly edged longsword reminiscent of a katana my father told me about, yet distinguished by its broader blade. Unlike the backside of a katana, the backside of this sword was completely flat, extending to the hilt. Near the hilt, the flat edge sharpened into a point, then seamlessly curved, blending into the blade's sharpened edge as it met the hilt. I thought to myself that such a thing would be a design flaw. But this was a Rider's blade, so I don't think such a design would take away the sword's strength in any way.

The rider aimed its sword at us. In response, my father swiftly snapped his bow into two, transforming it into hook-like blades, ready for the impending battle. I, too, readied my own sword, despite my trembling hand. My heart raced, my breath short and quick, as my body screamed to run away. I clenched my teeth, gripping the hilt with both hands as it wobbled in my grasp, knowing that this thing would never let us go.

I wish I had gone to the South Gate.

The building next to us erupted as another rider crashed into it, momentarily distracting me. I instinctively covered my face, only to realize my mistake as the Blight rider lunged at me, his sword aimed at my chest. I reacted swiftly, pulling my sword over me and using the flat edge as a shield. Our blades clashed, sparks flying, but I held my ground. Despite my strength, my legs protested, forcing me to stumble backward from the rider's pure might. With a quick sidestep, I moved the rider to dash past me, his sword missing me by just an inch.

My body relished the release of tension from the rider's attack. As relief flooded through me, I saw the rider twist its body, using its momentum to turn as it raised a foot towards me.

My vision went black for a moment as the rider's kick connected to my face, flinging me away towards the ground. I saw stars enter my vision as I collided with the destroyed road.

I could taste the iron in my mouth, inhaling the disgusting smell of sweat, my heart pounding in fear as adrenaline pumped into me as I looked back up at my adversary. Before the rider could finish me off, my father swung his blades at the rider. The weapons clashed as the rider was stuck on the defensive, and my father pushed it back, managing to leave a long slash on its helmet. The rider retaliated with a big swing, but my father blocked it with the blade in his other hand as he countered with a kick to the gut. The rider scooted across the ground as my father charged at it.

Before my father could strike again, the Blight Dragon snapped its massive jaws at him. Luckily, my father evaded at the last second, only for a black, eerie flame to erupt from the dragon maul. I felt a wave of warmth from the flame, but it wasn't welcoming. My body jolted off the ground at a speed I never knew I had.

The rider stood back up, turning to me.

"William!" my father shouted as the rider and the dragon stood between us. "Take care of that rider!"

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