Meeting the Residents

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**Floria's tail unwraps from around her as they reach the Hotel, Charlie pats her head**

Charlie:"Well, here we are!"

**She exclaims, Floria examines the front of the hotel before being pulled inside by Charlie, as Floria steps inside Vaggie, Niffty, Alastor, Angel Dust and Sir Pentious, immediately look over at her, Husk just glances and continues washing the bottles behind the bar**

Alastor:"Well, who might you be?"

**He says, Floria's ears droop a bit as he towers over her**

Floria: I'm Floria...who are you?

**She says in a quiet voice as Charlie looks down at her**

Alastor: "Alastor, my dear!"

**He says, Niffty runs over and looks her up and down excitedly**

Niffty:Hello, there! I'm Niffty, it's been awhile since we've made a new friend.

**Floria's ears lift a bit at the sight of the small cyclops, her excitement to Floria's arrival creating a small grin on her face**

**Husk looks a bit confused as to why Floria would smile at the strange creature but shrugs it off, Vaggie looks at the small child, a bit of suspicion on her face before she says**

Vaggie: I'm Vaggie.

**She states blatantly, her glare menacing causing Floria's ears to drop along with her smile**

Charlie:Oh, c'mon Vaggie! She's just a kid, what's the worst she could do?

**Vaggie almost immediately responds with**

Vaggie:We don't know what she's capable of.

**As Charlie's about to respond, Husk decides to chime in after taking a good look at the child**

Husk: It's a kid. What is it gonna do? Take over hell or some shit?

Vaggie:Well, no but-

Husk:But nothing. Leave it alone.

**And with that, Husk goes back to cleaning up the bar, leaving Vaggie silent and putting a smile on Floria's face**

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