Warning (Must Read)

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All parts of this story is completely fictional, if there are any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental.

All of the village and character names are made up and do not exist to my knowledge. I might reference some real life places in the story but I don't know my geography that well so bear with me, and if you see an unrecognisable place, it's probably because I made it up so don't really pay too much attention to it my loves 😁

Another really important issue to address is the relations. I know some of you guys might not be familiar with the concept of marrying/having a relationship with your cousins, but it's still prevalent in some villages and areas of South India, if it offends you in any way then this story is not for you. Please don't leave any unnecessary hate as you have been warned, it is fine if you don't like it, but I will not condone any mean comments or messages.

I don't know about other areas but where I'm from you can only marry your cousin if they are your cross cousins, for example your dad's sisters children or your mum's brothers children, so that is what I'll be following in my story. 

I don't mean to offend anyone, so I kindly request you not to offend me back. 

Apart from that, please enjoy my book and happy reading :)) 

Rakta JeevanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora