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It may have been impulsive of San to stay the night with a stranger he had just recently reconnected with, but his life was full of impulsivities, and most of the time, it worked out. One way or another. But what San found shocking about this evening, was how the two were cuddled up in Wooyoung's bed, devouring cheap pizza and chugging beer, while San was bombarded with questions.

"So you're seriously telling me you've fought a black goo alien before?" Through laughter, Wooyoung slapped his hand against San's chest as he grinned from ear to ear. San really hadn't talked to someone about his experiences as Spider-Man, and truthfully, it was refreshing beyond comprehension.

"No no, not alien, it was an amoeba." The two's conversation was rapid, and their voices would've echoed if not for the small size of the room they sat in.

"And he crawled inside of you? Couldn't that be like, a severe health concern?!"

"Yeah, he bonded with my body and used me as a host to commit crimes, keep up."

"That's insane?! Oh my god, what if a part of him is still inside you!"

"No way, Venom is long gone."

"You never know Spidey," Wooyoung began to curl himself up to San's arm, and leaned his head to rest on the other. "You know it's like 3am?"

"Do you have a bedtime?"

"No, but I have work tomorrow. Unlike you, my job doesn't revolve around saving the city."

"You know I have a real job too, don't you?"

"What? Oh my god, really? Spider-Man has a normal person job?! What the hell do you do?"

"I'm a research lab assistant."

"I guess we're both assistants then!"

"Mines cooler," Wooyoung couldn't help but laugh at San's words, the two had quickly clicked together really well. San reached over to the nightstand at the side of Wooyoung's bed and downed 3/4 of his glass of beer. "So, what else do you wanna know about me?" He spoke whilst wiping the excess of the drink off of his upper lip.

Wooyoung paused to think for a moment before speaking. "What does your family think of you being Spider-Man?" His playful aura from before had shifted, and the sudden personal question had declared their current position to become more intimate than before. San's hand rested on Wooyoung's thigh, considering how the other's leg was draped over San's lap.

"I don't have a family," San didn't look saddened by this fact, but having to mention it towards others was always a sore subject. "My parents, my aunt and uncle, they're all dead." He tried not to speak in a manner that would make Wooyoung feel guilty for asking, but there seemed to be no possible way for this topic to be handled carelessly. San was anticipating a gasp and some insincere words of comfort, which is what he'd gotten back in high school when his uncle passed, but Wooyoung didn't reply. He simply straightened his back, wrapped his arms around San's shoulders, and the two remained silent. San didn't know why a simple hug did more than a thousand words. Maybe it was because he hadn't had anyone to share any of this with. Not a friend, a family member, or a lover. Perhaps it was because San had forgotten what it was like to be embraced, or it could of been how comfortable he felt in Wooyoung's arms. San's whole body sighed against the hug, and his head fell to rest on Wooyoung's chest. "Thanks," he spoke towards the other as he pulled himself back.

"That must've been hard for you to deal with all alone," Wooyoung frowned at San, not in a pitiful way, but, one of concern. He seemed distraught at the idea of San having to deal with all of those horrible experiences alone.

"My aunt, actually, she found out I was Spider-Man in high school, god, she lost it. She worried too much, honestly."

"She should've stolen that suit right off your body! You don't know what kind of havoc would of been caused if I had known you when you started out. There would be no Spider-Man! All it is is dangerous, and you're too young to be on the brink of death so often!"

"I don't really have a choice. Even if I thought about stopping, people wouldn't be safe. There's horrible people in the world and I have the ability to stop them. I'd live in constant agony for the rest of my life if I knew I didn't save someone I could have."

He paused slightly before replying, waiting for San's now painfully serious persona to diminish. "Woah, you're so heroic." Wooyoung teased, and the boy's playful nature had resumed. The wave of fear choking San harshly had almost instantly faded, along with the moment of reliving it all. Losing his parents, his uncle, then his aunt, he was able to push past the idea of  being unable to save them and focus on the giggling person before him.

"You know, I didn't take you for someone to bring a stranger in your bed on the first night," San returned the other's mocking tone, and an offended slap to his chest was placed by the boy.

"I'll have you know, Spider-Man, you're the only person I've let inside this dump of an apartment since I got it."

"So I'm special?"

"Whatever you wanna tell yourself, Spidey." Wooyoung had reached his hand over to click off the lamp on his bedside table.

"Bed already?"

"I have work, and from what I now know, you do too. It's best if we sleep while we can, I don't want to have to kick out a half asleep irritable spider-boy tomorrow." Wooyoung turned his body to his left side, away from San, and as San picked up the pizza box from the center of the bed and placed it on the floor, he followed suit.

Staring at the back of the boy's head, he couldn't help but smile. He enjoyed Wooyoung's company, possibly an alarming amount. He couldn't decipher if it was the human connection he truly missed, or if it was Wooyoung himself. Regardless, his eyes grew heavy, and the image of the boy's smaller frame laying against the mattress lingered in his mind. For once, the image he faded out to wasn't an empty bed.

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