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Wooyoung was baffled at the sight before him. San stood by the golden doors to one of the more fancy restaurants in the area. His hair gelled back while two strands of his black locks swept forward, and his body fit snugly in a grey suit. The younger was taken aback by how well the other dressed up. The last time the two had spent time together, face to face, at least, San wasn't as nearly put together. Wooyoung would have been thankful if he didn't blatantly tell the other he looked good, but the blush hovering across his cheeks thought differently.

After a few more moments of soaking in San's elegant appearance from a distance, Wooyoung fanned his face before grabbing the other's attention with a loud greeting. "San! Over here!" He shouted, adding a wave to the smile he handed the boy. San turned to face the voice, and when the two met eyes, it was as if relief washed over him.

He made his way to Wooyoung with a slight jog, "I'm surprised you showed up."

Wooyoung sent him an eye-roll, "I was thinking about ditching, but I wouldn't wanna break poor Spidey's heart." He intertwined his arm with San's while the other pursed his lips in response. "Shall we?" Marching forward, he began to tug the now half-sulking boy towards the restaurant. The two checked in for their reservation, which San had managed to get on short notice, and were led by a hostess to their table. The people at the surrounding tables were filled with exclusively rich couples, and the two found this humorous. Watching the herds of couples feed each other, and whisper in each other's ears, it was all a sight to behold. "Were you planning on proposing? Because that's the vibe I'm getting."

"You caught me, guess I can't now."

"Aw, I was looking forward to it." They were sitting across from each other, staring over the candles planted in the center of their dining, and a mutual, fond smile was exchanged. The underlying feeling of comfortability overpowered how little the two truly knew each other. And before they even glanced at their menu, San had placed his hand on Wooyoung's. "What's up? You want me to pay or something? I may be the assistant to a rich Ceo, but you've seen my apartment, I'm severely underpaid." Joking was probably the only way Wooyoung could keep himself together. Truthfully, Wooyoung didn't know what to do. It wasn't as if he had tons of relationship experience or had an eccentric person life. The most exciting thing to happen to Wooyoung in years was the past two days, and he didn't know how to react to San's gentle grip on his palm.

"You're unbelievably sweaty," San laughed, while Wooyoung whipped his hand out of the other's grasp shamefully. "I'm kidding!" The older couldn't help but enjoy Wooyoung's shy presence. His face was bright red, and he really was sweaty. Hesitantly, Wooyoung gave his hand back to San.

Wooyoung knew he needed some redemption. He hated feeling so small in front of someone. It was probably because San's shoulders were wider than the table, and how forward he was. As much as Wooyoung loved to match his energy, intimacy with someone was scary. Especially when his heart beat out of his chest at a simple touch. "Spidey?" Wooyoung asked, while San responded with a nod and a squeeze to his hand. "Wanna go back to my place?" He managed to croak out a moment of confidence, and mentally applauded himself for coming across so direct.

"Like, skip dinner?" San's eyebrows quirked at the other's sudden invitation.

"Yeah, let's skip dinner."

"You're not just trying to one-night-stand me, right?"

"I'm not, I just," and here it comes, something Wooyoung was going to deeply regret saying by tomorrow, "you look so good in that suit, I just keep imaging what you'd look like with it off." He was now whispering across the table, and San coughed in response, as if something was stuck in his throat.

He began to nod profusely, "Yeah, yeah, let's go back to your place." San stood up, still holding onto Wooyoung's hand, and dragged him out of the restaurant.

Spidey | WoosanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang