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Their short-lived date night had become a blur of sorts, and the only thing the two were concerned with was tearing the clothes off each other. Wooyoung was fumbling with his apartment keys as San stood behind him. He hadn't taken his eyes off Wooyoung since the restaurant, and it gave the younger chills. When the lock no longer decided to be stubborn, the two stepped into Wooyoung's apartment. It looked the same as last night, with San's water and beer cup still sitting on the nightstand.

Once they removed their shoes, Wooyoung turned to face San, whose eyes he had been avoiding the entire walk home. He couldn't read any of the emotions on San's face, he seemed to be frustrated, as if something was occupying his mind.

"Dinner was a sweet gesture," Wooyoung smiled, while San met his grin with a gentle kiss to his cheek. "You better not hold it against me that we left." Draping his arms around San's shoulders, his body weight leaned heavily on the boy.

"I might, it sure was evil of you." San only hummed as Wooyoung's warmth fell to his.

"You know me, the evilest." Wooyoung pretended to scowl at the other, while San couldn't help but stare with fondness.

"You're gorgeous." He tried prevent himself from showering the boy with an array of compliments, but this one slipped out. He truly was beautiful, and San felt as if the situation was almost surreal. Coy and ethereal Wooyoung; perfect Wooyoung.

"You're just trying to butter me up,"

"Is it working?"

"Maybe..." Wooyoung teased, while his lips placed a soft peck to San's. Kissing back without a moment of hesitation, San's hands cupped the other's waist, and the few moment of a delicacy they shared had quickly turned into a harsh make out. With Wooyoung's hands making way to run through San's hair, the older's hands were continuously grabbing at his sides.

To say the two went on this way all night, wouldn't be an exaggeration. San couldn't pull himself off the boy.

When the morning had shot through the cheap curtains in Wooyoung's apartment, San felt his exhausted body get shook. The smaller was shoving him awake with a strong grip on his arm.

"Wake the fuck up." Wooyoung seemed exhausted, and the last thing he wanted to do was force San awake. The older took a moment to adjust to the sunlight almost pricking a headache his way, and the swear words coming from Wooyoung.

"God damn! Good morning to you too." San's half open eyes examined the state of the boy in front of him. "Cute shirt."

"Shut up." Wooyoung rolled his eyes. He was sitting in San's shirt from the night before, and a plate of breakfast was in his hand, the one that didn't almost bruise San's arm.

"What time is it?"

"6am. You and I both have work, so eat and then get ready." Wooyoung was sitting on his knees before he began to sit up to wash his dish that was covered in crumbs.

"Hey," San grabbed Wooyoung's wrist, stopping him from walking away, "you're forgetting something." Now pouting at the other, Wooyoung seemed to feel a mix of annoyance and adoration. Leaning down to press a kiss to San's lips, the taller smiled against the peck. "You're such a sweetheart."

"Get ready." Wooyoung rinsed his plate, shoved it in his dishwasher, and headed into his bathroom, presumably to shower. San took a few bites of his toast and bacon while grabbing his phone. He regularly got news updates, considering how involved Spider-Man was in it. Skimming through headlines, he found one about a recent vigilante.


Whatever. It totally didn't bother him that the one vigilante he's never seen is the one making headlines. No one ever talks about the people he's caught, only the one's who are on the prowl. Zero appreciation for his work, but he was used to it.

He'd heard about the criminal before, they were notorious for stealing expensive art. It was ridiculous. Spider-Mans stopped world wide catastrophes yet people were waiting for him to catch an art thief? San wasn't fretting over not catching the villain, though. He hasn't necessarily been very focused on hero-work the past few days, and the Black Cat had only been spotted after San fell asleep. Their crimes were somehow perfectly timed, that's for sure.

When the shower stopped, Wooyoung had stepped out in a towel, covering his downward area, and San whistled at the sight. "Nice pair of abs on you, Jung."

"Keep gawking, you're never getting this again."

"What'd I do??" San was now sitting up on the bed, simply running his eyes across the other.

"You almost killed me last night, or did you forget?" Wooyoung had picked a pair of jeans and a blouse from his minimal selection of clothing.

"Ah, that..."

"I don't care that you're Spider-Man but you can't forget you have superpowers."

"I don't! I just forget about the super strength..."

"If you ever think about choking me again, I'll hit you over the head with a brick. Let's see if the spider can live when it's head's been bashed in." San stood up, tiptoeing to stand behind the boy and hug his waist. "Spidey."

"Come on, it was an accident. I'd never hurt you."

"I can't trust that, you are too unaware of your own strength."

"I'll be gentle next time."

"If there's even a next time. Now go swing to your apartment, I don't have clothes for you." Wooyoung shooed the boy away while all he was met with was a large frown. "Come on, stop pouting."

"I knew this was a one night stand." San glared, pulling his arms off the other and grabbing his plate once more. He finished the breakfast while Wooyoung rolled his eyes and headed back to change in the bathroom. Once his meal was done, he set the dish in the sink and hopped back into his suit. When Wooyoung had come back out, he looked insanely professional.

With his glasses on, fitted jeans, cream colored blouse, and his hair gelled slightly, San whistled. San was in everything but his mask, and his hair was as messy as ever. "You gonna keep checking me out or go home and actually go to work?"

"You're so sassy in the morning," San groaned, pulling his mask over his head. Wooyoung walked over, a faint sway in his hips as he cupped San's masked cheek.

"Have a good day, Spidey."

"I would ask to see you again tonight but, I need to do my other job tonight. I've sorta been neglecting it."

"We'll find time. I'm not going anywhere, expect to work, so get." Wooyoung opened his door for the boy, while San only shook his head in response. Instead, San made his way to the window beside the bed, and shoved it open. He blew a kiss to the other before crawling out the window. "God, he's ridiculous."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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