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The morning light brought little relief to the survivors. The eerie forest still loomed around them, its mysteries and dangers far from over. Despite their fears, they had no choice but to continue their journey. The thieves' leader, though shaken, ordered them to move on.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, they came upon a sight that sent chills down their spines. Trees of unnatural colors, an overpowering, unpleasant smell, and the sound of eerie laughter echoing through the air. The sight of thousands of scattered skulls confirmed their worst fears - they had entered the territory of a deadly creature.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, announcing their arrival. Before their eyes, a creature appeared - half-human, half-butterfly, its features a grotesque mix of beauty and horror. More of these creatures emerged, encircling the group and ready to attack.

In the ensuing chaos, some tried to flee while others fought. Orion attempted to use the Mirror of Justice, but to his surprise, it didn't work. Confused and desperate, they managed to escape the creatures' territory and found themselves in a foggy area, where the creatures dared not follow.

Only five of the thieves, including their leader, had survived the ordeal. As they caught their breaths, Orion was lost in thought. Why hadn't the mirror worked? Seeking answers, he used his telepathy to communicate with his grandfather, the one who had given him the mirror.

His grandfather explained that the mirror had limitations. It could only be activated by the owner's blood and had a limit of three activations in a lifetime. Orion had unknowingly activated it once when he was wounded in the desert. Now, he had only two chances left to use the mirror's power.

Their journey to the north continued, their group growing smaller with each passing day. A month of wandering had left them weary and disheartened, with no clue as to the whereabouts of the Lost Lilac.

Their next destination was the Fortress of Fire, ruled by a vicious woman known for her deadly fire powers. She was known to use people in her cruel survival games, and her permission was required to traverse her lands.

Upon their arrival, they were invited to her mansion. A feast was laid out for them, and they were given comfortable accommodations. However, Elio felt a sense of unease. His suspicions were confirmed when they found themselves locked in their rooms. They managed to break out and regroup, deciding to escape.

As they tried to leave, they were confronted by the thieves' leader, who revealed himself to be an accomplice of the fire mistress. The four friends were forced into a fight, during which Lyra was captured and used as a hostage.

In the fortress's hall, the fire mistress demanded the three remaining Sole Hearts in exchange for Lyra's life. Despite Lyra's pleas for them not to surrender, they felt they had no choice. But just as they were about to hand over the hearts, they were aided by a prince from the Jade Empire, which had recently been conquered by the Fortress of Fire and ought to take revenge for its people.

The prince helped them escape, but Lyra had to return to retrieve the Tears of Unity. With the mansion engulfed in flames, it was a dangerous mission, but they managed to retrieve the Tears, which had protected itself from the fire.

They escaped with the prince, who was on a mission to protect the four heirs of the Mystic Realm, as commanded by his imperial father. The Jade Empire also sought a peaceful world, aligning their goals with those of four heroes.

: flashbacks

Once upon a time, the Jade Empire and the Four Realms enjoyed an unbreakable alliance. Their bond was so strong that the Jade Emperor made a solemn promise to the rulers of the Four Realms. He pledged that his only son, Prince Aden, would serve as the Protector of their heirs, carrying the title of the Unbreakable Sword when the time was right.

This promise was made when the heirs and Aden were just infants, in a time when the world was still unified and peaceful. The rulers of the Four Realms and the Jade Emperor foresaw the challenges their children might face and wanted to ensure their protection.

As the years passed, the world changed. Peace gave way to conflict, and unity to division. Yet, the promise made all those years ago remained intact. Aden, now a skilled warrior and a wise prince, remembered his father's pledge. He knew that his destiny was intertwined with that of the four heirs - Elio, Lyra, Orion, and Athena.

When the Jade Empire fell to the Fortress of Fire, Aden saw it as a sign. It was time for him to fulfill his destiny. He set out on his journey, determined to find the heirs and protect them as his father had promised.

His arrival at the Fortress of Fire was timely. He helped the four friends escape and joined them on their quest to find the Lost Lilac. His presence added strength to their group and brought them hope in their darkest moments.



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