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As winter set in, their journey became even more challenging. The land and forests were blanketed in snow, making navigation almost impossible. Food was scarce, the cold was biting, and they had no proper shelter. It was a test of their endurance and willpower more than their fighting skills. The harsh conditions took a toll on their bodies, making them weaker with each passing day.

One night, while seeking shelter in a cave, Elio started having strange dreams. A woman in a white dress stained with blood would appear, repeating the phrase, "You are not you, you are who you want to be." The dream was cryptic and unsettling, but Elio chose not to share it with his friends.

The next morning, a message from the realm of the Magnificent was delivered through the pendant. It said, "The judgment of the waterfalls can lead you to the missing peace." The meaning of the message was unclear, but they had no choice but to press on.

After another grueling day of travel, they arrived at a waterfall. It was a dead-end, with no visible path leading to the other side. It was then that Athena realized the meaning of the message. They had to jump from the waterfall and let the waterfall judge them.

Orion was skeptical and refused to jump. Elio, Aden, and Athena took the plunge first. As Orion was arguing about the decision, Lyra pushed him in unprepared and then jumped in after him.

Their journey continues, full of unexpected challenges and cryptic messages. Their bond is stronger than ever as they face these trials together, determined to complete their quest for the Lost Lilac.

 Aden was the first to emerge from the water, his heart laid bare by the waterfall's judgment. He was taken back to the Jade Empire, to the day it fell to the Fortress of Fire. He saw his friends and family fall, his parents killed by the enemy. It was a painful memory, one that fueled his thirst for revenge. But as he regained consciousness on the bank of the waterfall, he realized that the past was in the past. He had a mission to fulfill, and he couldn't let his anger cloud his judgment.

Athena's judgment took her back to a tragic accident. She was in a battlefield with her brother, practicing their sword skills. In a terrible turn of events, she accidentally killed her brother. That accident had forced her to take her brother's place as the heir of the Valiant. The guilt and trauma had haunted her for years. The waterfall's judgment was a test of forgiveness, something she struggled to give herself. As she woke up, she found Lyra by her side, urging her to breathe.

Orion's judgment was a conversation with his father. "You are the hope of our people, son. This is not a time to sleep, so go back now!" Before he could respond, he felt a sharp slap, bringing him back to consciousness.

Elio's judgment was the same dream he had been having. The woman in the white dress stained with blood, her cryptic words echoing in his mind. "You are not you, you are who you want to be." It was a mystery that he couldn't unravel.
The waterfalls' judgment was a profound experience for each of them, forcing them to confront their pasts and their deepest fears. It was a test of their resolve, a reminder of the burdens they carried, and a push towards self-realization. As they woke up on the bank of the waterfall, they were ready to continue their journey, stronger and more determined than ever.

LOST LILAC AND THE MYSTIC REALMS Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora