Chapter Seventeen

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Murtasim awoke with a start, his hand gliding across the empty expanse of their bed, searching for Meerab's comforting presence. His eyes shot open when his quest yielded nothing but cool, ruffled sheets. Glancing at the wall clock, the numbers revealed an early 7:00AM; an unusually early hour for Meerab, who rarely rose so early. His worry deepened as he recalled her unwell state from the previous night. She had been tossing and turning the whole night.

With a sense of urgency he got up from the bed,wearing his shoes as he set on a quiet search for his wife.The thought of her discomfort fuelled his concern. As he approached the dressing room, the emanating from under the door sent a sense of relief but it was soon overshadowed by the sound of retching from the washroom.

He swiftly moved forward, taking long strides, and pushed the door ajar, finding  Meerab huddled on the cold marble floor, her disoriented gaze meeting his worried eyes.

Without hesitation, Murtasim moved towards her as his fingers deftly swept the strands of hair away from her face and his arms went around her waist holding her, shifting all of her weight on his body. He could see the paleness in her complexion, her body slightly shivering under his hands.

A mix of emotions overcame him as he held her, the weight of worry settling in. "Ugh, Murtasim, that's disgusting. Go away," Meerab  protested weakly as he opened the tap "Chup chap khari raho, tumhe mujhe uthana chaiye tha na Meerab". Frowning, he brushed off her complaint while turning on the tap, the soft gurgle of water filled the room as lukewarm water cascaded into his waiting hands. Feeling the gentle warmth, Murtasim cupped his hands, letting the water pool within his grasp. It was as if he was cradling a fragment of solace to offer his wife.

With utmost care, he started to delicately wipe her face, tracing the contours with the soothing touch of water. The lukewarm droplets danced across her skin, an attempt to provide relief from the distressing nausea that had become an unwelcome companion during her pregnancy.

Murtasim maintained his gentle embrace around Meerab, demonstrating both the strength of his sturdy arms and the vulnerability of his beloved in their shared intimacy. Patiently, he cradled her, understanding the fragility of her state, as her body succumbed to the relentless waves of nausea. In the shelter of his broad, robust arms, she appeared delicate and diminutive, a stark contrast to the usual strength she exuded.

The resonance of her weakness was palpable as he held her close, his formidable strength providing a secure haven for her dwindling energy. In the quiet of the room, Meerab seemed almost ethereal, wrapped within the protective cocoon of Murtasim's embrace. The concern etched in his eyes deepened, a silent acknowledgment of the profound impact her vulnerability had on him.

As he cradled her, a whispered admission escaped his lips, "I hate seeing you like this." His words conveyed not only the depth of his empathy but also the powerlessness he felt witnessing the woman he loved grappling with the discomfort

After some time, as her distress began to subside, he carefully held Meerab with one arm around her. Taking her toothbrush, he dampened it with water and applied toothpaste, assisting her in the simple act of brushing her mouth. His touch was gentle, a silent reassurance that he was there for her in this vulnerable moment.

Once she felt refreshed, Murtasim led Meerab back to their room and made sure she was comfortably settled in bed, arranging the pillows to support her. Sitting beside her, he held her dainty hand in his rough veiny hands, maintaing a vigilant watch, ready to offer any comfort she might need.

His worry lingered, but he masked it with a determined calmness. "Rest for a while," he softly suggested, his eyes reflecting both care and concern. As Meerab lay there, he remained by her side.

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