Reunited: Part 2

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"Is it possible I could take just one?" I asked.
"Are you sure you could take care of them?" Tyler asked looking me up and down and then away again.
I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude, he always did blurt things out like that. Ah, he's trying to start a conversation...
"I'm not homeless, you know. I just came to move in with a relative. I got here by bus."
"I'm sorry, I just thought since you..." he just looked away again.
Well, he's still the same antisocial Tyler as ever.
"Anyway, let's go and get you a nice cat. There are quite a few to choose from." Dr. Moore said changing the subject.
Once we approached the small pet bed with heating pads, I saw the kittens. They were adorable (even though I was never much of a cat person).
There was one that was completely black except his paws, the tip of it's tail, and a dot on its face and a bigger splotch on it's chest. This one had orangy yellow eyes. Another, looked as if it were a Dalmatian puppy due to the mix of it's white coat and black patches of fur all around. This one had green eyes. The last one, was the one that really caught my eye. It was completely black all around with deep blue eyes.
"I like this one." I said, while petting it's tummy as it lay on it's back in content.
"How did you get it to let you touch it?" Tyler said in awe.
"I don't know, just a gentle touch I guess?"
"We could barely feed it without scaring it away." he tried petting it but it backed into a corner.
"You're pretty good with animals. You know, my Dad was looking for extra help around here... maybe you could apply or something?" He asked.
I looked up at Dr. Moore.
He nodded in agreement.
"Well...I guess but I'll have to check with my Nana." I said.
This was actually the truth. I had made it to my old town where my adoptive mother was. She was a woman in her early sixties who had no children of her own. And had become a widow at the age of 32 when her husband died in a boating accident. She then inherited the business and never remarried. She adopted me when I was 12.
She knew of my transformations and tried to keep it a secret up until the moment when I was arrested. She actually cried when they took me away. It broke my heart watching her because she was actually like a mother to me. But today will be a good day and I'll surprise her by popping up.

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