Uh...The Truth?

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So far, the work day had gone surprisingly smooth for Adri. She was actually hoping for a bit of a challenge but things came quite naturally to her. She learned how to wash, brush, and groom the animals. She learned names and when they had time, she got to reconnect with Tyler. He hadn't changed all that much, really. He was still the same kid who liked to joke around but be serious when he wanted to. He made her smile and was never boring or uptight.

"I've been meaning to ask you something...if you're so rich, then why did you accept to work here and why did we find you sleeping in an alley?" Tyler asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm...well, you see..." she had absolutely no idea how to answer that.

Well, I'm screwed...

Tyler still held his quizzical expression.

"Okay, listen. Tyler it's me, Adri. Remeber? From the orphanage?" I said. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to tell Tyler everything. Just like old times.

He just stood there looking at me. I waved a hand in his face but I didn't get a reaction. My only instinct was to hug him, and so I did.
I could feel him relax under my touch. He hugged me back.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said resting his head on mine. I looked up into his dark eyes.
" I needed to make sure first. And I just escaped from..." I didn't get to finish my sentence before Dr. Moore stepped into the room looking a bit shocked.
"What's this?" he said. I blushed. I hadn't realized just how close we were until he barged in on us.
Tyler turned red. He must have noticed it, too.
"I...she..." was all he managed to say, letting me go.
"Tyler and I have been childhood friends since we were orphans. I just realized that, well...it was him." I said trying to clear this situation up.
I mean, Tyler was kind of cute...what am I saying! This is like my buddy right here, there's no way I'd think of him like that... Could I?

"I'm just messing with you two!" Dr. Moore said, chuckling.
"I think it's fine if you two were...a thing. I was actually starting to think Tyler was gay." he said.
"Of course, there would be nothing wrong with that, if you were..." he said with a more serious look.
"What!? No! I'm not...she...we aren't. Ah!" he said giving an exasperated sigh.
Tyler turned even more red and buried is hand in his face looking defeated.
I just gave a giiggle and lightly patted him on the back.
"It's all right there buddy." I said, giving him a reassuring smile.

Dr.Moore just rolled his eyes and walked away.
"I just came to tell you that's all for the day." he yelled from a back room.

I smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked, looking a bit confused.

"I was just thinking...it's been so long since we hung out and there are so many things I need to tell you. Can you maybe...come over?" I asked.
Tyler just smiled and nodded.
"I'll go and ask my Dad." he said running off.

Alright, so I didn't get to add a song title cuz what I had didn't fit this lol. New chapter underway!

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