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After checking out our options of all the flyers and restaurant menus there were on the fridge we decided on Chinese. And to kick off the night we headed to my room and started making a list of movies to watch on Netflix. I gathered some candy here and there and grabbed a pack of sodas.
After some time, the bell finally rung and I decided to go and answer. But as I walked down the stairs I had an odd feeling of deja vu overwhelm me. I checked the peep hole and to my surprise two men were standing in front of the door in suits. I could see a car parked across the street. The license plate ended with 'L' this meant they were cops or detectives or something. I knew enough to know that all official cop and detective cars had license plates that ended with an 'L'.

What am I gonna do? I have no choice I'll have to shift again. And I just did my hair, too.

I started the process. I could feel myself changing. I was growing taller, my hair shorter, my face contorting. My nails growing shorter, my fingers longer and my hands bigger. But my clothes...I could feel them being stretched and ripping apart slightly. I couldn't help but have to endure the pain of tight sleeves and pant legs constricting me under their tight hold. I was having a hard time breathing again.

What am I gonna tell Tyler?

I bolted up the stairs. I needed to borrow some of his clothes. As I stepped in the room I ran to the suitcases and zipped one open as quickly as I could and started to throw things onto the bed with haste.

" everything all right? Why did you-" he started.

"There's no time, Ty. There's cops at the door and I can't let them see me as a girl. I have to lay low again." I said in between short breaths.

"Oh God, those clothes are tight, huh? Let me help you." he said chuckling hard and pulling off my shirt.

"Thanks. Now I need you to go...downstairs and distract them for a minute while I change." I said shooing him off and inhaling another deep breath.

"Okay, I'm on it." he said charging out the door.

Ooo. I wonder what's gonna happen next... Tyler POV coming soon!

You know the drill, so...

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