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- CHAPTER EIGHT -🌲 Grievers In The Glade🌲

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🌲 Grievers In The Glade🌲

A group of Gladers waited at the opening of the maze as Thomas, Minho and Thalia walked out. "What the hell's going on out there?" Newt asked as the three started to walk past the group, "What the hell have you done now, Thomas?" Gally asked as the group followed them. 

"We found something, a new passage. We think it could be a way out." Thomas said and Newt raised his eyebrows, "Really?" He asked. "It's true. We opened a door, something we've never seen before." Thalia said and Minho nodded, "I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day." He said, making Chuck's eyes widened as he quickly ran up to them. 

"Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa... You're saying you found the Grievers' home? And you want us to go in?" Chuck asked as Thomas looked at him, "Their way in could be our way out, Chuck." He said and Gally raised his eyebrows. 

"Yeah, or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side." He said, making Thalia roll her eyes, "If we ever want to get out of here, it might have to be a risk we're gonna have to take Gally." She said, "No, the truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he has done, as usual." Gally said, making Thomas stop and turn to him. 

"Yeah, at least I did something, Gally. I mean, what have you done? Aside from hiding behind these walls all the time?" Thomas asked and Gally raised his eyebrows, "Let me tell you something, Greenie. You've been here 3 days, all right? I've been here 3 years!" Gally said and Thomas nodded. 

"Yeah, you've been here 3 years and you're still here, Gally! What does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently." Thomas said, no one noticed Teresa walking up to the group, "Guys." She tried to say but no one paid attention. 

"Maybe you should be in charge, what about that-" Gally started to say before getting cut off. "Hey, it's Alby!" Teresa said, making everyone look at her, "What?" Thalia asked and Teresa nodded, "He's awake." She said, Thalia glanced at the guys before she quickly ran towards the Medjack hut.

𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 ➢ ᴛʜᴏᴍᴀꜱ ⁽ᵀᴹᴿ/ᵀˢᵀ/ᵀᴰᶜ⁾Where stories live. Discover now