Chapter One

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James and Isaiah share a dorm and they wake up at very different times since James wakes up early for football and Isaiah stays out late for his night classes.

This morning however, both woke up at the same time for marching band practice which is extremely rare.

(James Pov:)
When I woke up and got out of bed I realized that I couldn't find my marching uniform
I said under my breath. I called Miguel.
"Dude, where did you put my uniform this time?"
I questioned him with impatience. Miguel responded with a laugh before answering
"Have you checked in your closet yet doofus? I'm sure YOU put it there" I let out an exasperated sigh and hung up on Miguel whilst he was mid laugh. I checked in the closet and grabbed the uniform and turned around to put it on, I saw Isaiah already in his uniform waiting for me to change. I quickly changed into my uniform, shoes, and hat before exiting the dorm with my instrument in one hand and my phone in the other with Isaiah behind me complaining.
"Why does the one morning I have to wake up early be ruined with low and high pressure systems colliding right above our campus!"
I paused for a moment before speaking slowly.
"You mean the weather?"
He looked at me with sarcastic eyes "No James, I'm talking about tree types."
he spoke his voice about to brim over with sarcasm. I responded nonchalantly,
"Ok you continue doing that, I'm gonna listen to music whilst you rant."
After I said that I put my earbuds in and blocked out anything other than California Girls.

(Isaiah's POV:)
I watch as the most annoying person on earth puts his earbuds in and I turn my focus to the bus stop in front of us. My mind races with thoughts about what drill we will do in band practice, what my other classes have in store for me, any homework I might have, and anything that is due in the next 48 hours. As we reach the bus stop the bus is a couple feet away. We stand waiting in silence for the campus bus to brake and let us on, once it does we take a seat in the back. After a few seconds of doing so, I feel a tap on my shoulder and jump slightly startled. I turn around to face, Madison whom is sitting with Alyssa and Anisa. I just stared at them blankly while they giggled quietly, to be completely honest it was way to early for me to be in a mood anywhere close to happy, plus I new James was probably texting his girlfriend while listening to "California Girls" on repeat. Madison finally stopped laughing and started to chat with me,
"You have fun waking up this morning sleeping beauty?"
I rolled my eyes
"Woke up just as well as you do you power bottom"
Madison laughed at my tired response, I smiled a bit the girls and I chatted about some classes we had together, our sleeping schedule, and what drill we're gonna practice in band today. While we were talking the bus ran over something that crunched loudly, we joked a bit that it was Howard who got mistaken for a speed bump but then went back to what was being said earlier.

~Time skip, the bus makes it to their stop~

(James POV:)
I get off the bus with Isaiah, Alyssa, Madison, and Anisa right behind me in that order. I turn off my music and take out my earbuds, my instrument is in its case which I wear like a backpack. Our small group heads into the band hall where we meet all the other band kids building and warming up their instrument. We all went to where our section hung out and started doing the same. Isaiah and I chatted briefly about the tougher parts of the music, march, and any notes that have sharps or flats. After a couple minutes our Dr.William (Our band director) walked in the room and everyone scurried to their seats at ready position.

(No one's POV:)

Dr.William stood on the podium for a couple seconds before conducting the bands warm up, after that he explained that they will be heading out to the practice football field to practice their marching. Some kids sighed and groaned at the idea of having to go outside in the humid weather but the director shushed them. The director then led the band out to the field and told them to get in their positions while he connected speakers and such in the pit. (The pit is basically the area where the coaches and people who aren't playing stand during American football games)

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