Chapter 1: The Confession

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By that time, I had realized that my affection was only reserved for things that were not serious. In a misguided attempt to experience heartbreak, I willingly sacrificed my love. I entrusted you with my heart, only to have it shattered into irreparable pieces when you confessed your love for someone else. The devastation was so overwhelming that my heart reached a point of no return. I mustered the strength to bid you farewell, urging you to never return. Witnessing your tears caused immense pain within me, but I knew I had to release you. Despite the agony, I couldn't bear to see you suffer any longer...

One Monday morning, I left for work and returned home late at night. To my surprise, I found you sitting by the fireplace, with dinner ready. As usual, you had refrained from eating without me by your side. You inquired about my day at work, but I had lost my appetite and headed straight to bed. Before retiring for the night, I kissed you and bid you "Goodnight." However, you sensed that I was concealing something from you. The following morning, we had planned a date at the café where our love story began. It was a place where we first laid eyes on each other and instantly fell in love.

I never imagined that you would become my friend, lover, and life partner. Our first encounter took place in the same coffee cafe, where I had the pleasure of holding your hand. From that moment on, I longed to see you again. Each night, as I lay in bed, thoughts of you consumed my mind. Your name became a melody on my tongue, and my day seemed incomplete without thoughts of you. I yearned to be in your presence once more, to feel your energy surrounding me. As we made our way to the Coffee Cafe, we had other plans in mind before reaching our final destination. Although I was unaware of your intentions, I willingly followed, my thoughts fixated solely on you. This experience brings back memories of our initial conversation, when we first connected.

I had my eyes closed, and unexpectedly, you appeared before me, engaging in conversation. Apologetically, you uttered, "Sorry, you are occupying my seat." Curiosity got the better of you as you inquired, "Who are you waiting for?" Unaware of your presence and assuming it was a figment of my imagination, I responded, "I'm waiting for you to arrive." A smile formed on your face as you playfully labelled me as crazy. As I opened my eyes, I caught a glimpse of you laughing, a sight I had never witnessed before. Feeling a wave of shyness and embarrassment wash over me, you locked eyes with me and introduced yourself, saying, "Hi, I'm Lucy."

I couldn't tear my gaze away from your captivating presence and, by mistake, blurted out, "Hello, my name is Love." Your smile persisted, and I suddenly realized the magnitude of my embarrassing slip-up. With an embarrassed expression, I quickly corrected myself, saying, "Sorry, sorry. Hi, my name is Jack." Your smile remained, and you inquired, "So, who were you waiting for?" In a timid tone, I replied, "I have already seen the person I desired to meet. Now, I must depart." With a heavy heart, I turned to leave, apprehensive about glancing back. However, you called out my name, saying, "Jack, it was a pleasure to meet you!?" You then added, "Please return tomorrow and keep me company." Overwhelmed with joy, I felt as if I could soar through the air, but I simply smiled and nodded in agreement.

When we arrived at our first date location, I noticed that you had invested most of your money to create a memorable experience. It reminded me of the time when you accepted me for who I am, even with my limited resources. I had recently left my job and was facing financial difficulties, as my monthly salary had been delayed. Despite this, I didn't take anything from the café where we usually met. As I saw you there, I worried that my lack of money would make you think I was just a poor guy trying to impress you. However, that was never the case. Instead, you approached me and sat down beside me. I attempted to leave, but you held my hand and said, "Let's leave together. Am I not yours?" I was taken aback by your words and replied, "Wait, don't you see that I can't even provide enough for myself?"

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