Chapter 3: Road To Enlightenment

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I never realized the extent of the power Jeremy Stock, a convict multimillionaire, and I had created until I found myself effortlessly taking down all of his men. Unleashing radioactive beams from my body, I was forced to leave behind my wife, loved ones, family, and home to gain control over my newfound abilities. This journey towards inner peace and understanding will ultimately help me harness my soul's power.

Despite my roles as a soldier, reporter, and husband, I also had a background in science. Jeremy and I had worked together in a lab, aiming to find cures for diseases. Little did I know, Jeremy had ulterior motives for the experiment, transforming me into the monstrous being I am today...

"Welcome to Nevada, how may I assist you, sir?" she inquired. I then inquired about her name, "What is your name?" She scowled and headed to the kitchen. I sensed trouble brewing and attempted to leave, but the manager blocked my path and questioned, "Why do you need to know my waitress's name?" To avoid conflict, I replied, "She is lovely, and I believe I have seen her before.

Additionally, knowing her name could aid in my recollection, as her exceptional service adds value to your establishment." He chuckled and remarked, "You certainly have a way with words, hahaha!" I grinned and said, "Thank you, but truthfully, I now recall her name." This angered him, and as I attempted to depart, he instructed his chef to lock the doors, stating, "No one enters my cafe restaurant and speaks ill of my waitresses." They complied with his orders, and I simply smiled as everyone dropped to their knees. I exited as though nothing had occurred.

The manager was left in shock, unsure of what he had just witnessed as he saw his chef being beaten up. "He didn't even break a sweat, and when the last man shut the door, they all fell to the ground. Who is this guy!?" he thought to himself, sweating. As I walked out the door, I recognized the waitress as Sasha Lovely Cury, my wife's little sister and former assistant to Jeremy, who is now in prison. I realized that Jeremy had people watching me. Searching through my bag, I came across a picture of my wife, which made me smile and made me miss her even more.

I knew I couldn't go back until I had control over this power, but she remained in my thoughts. Although I was unhappy about not being there for her, I knew Kevin would take care of her until my return. As I walked through crowded areas, my powers took over and I went on a rampage, destroying everything in my path. I even almost hurt the one person I loved, That I saw in a child and something about them calmed me down, appeasing my rage. To find answers, I had to run as the authorities were after me. I managed to evade them, and then an old man passed by and told me, "If you seek answers, follow the path of Sholine."

I was clueless about the old man's instructions, but I decided to follow them nonetheless. To reach China, I had to travel by sea, but I was hesitant about potentially causing harm to my fellow travellers. Therefore, I opted to rent a ship that would take me to my destination.

Upon arriving at the port where the ships were docked, I approached the shipbrokers and inquired, "Hello, I am interested in renting a ship." To my surprise, they all burst into laughter and informed me, "We do not rent out ships; we only sell them. If you are interested in purchasing one, you will need to speak with the boss."

With a smile, I replied, "In that case, I will buy one. Where can I find her?" The shipbrokers exchanged glances before one of them led me to an office where a woman was berating her staff for a failed deal. After they left, I introduced myself to her as Jack and expressed my desire to buy a ship.

She, named Sharon, inquired about my crew, stating that she only sold ships to individuals with a crew. I lied, claiming that I did not have a crew because I needed the space for something important I was transporting from China. I had to conceal my powers from her.

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