Chapter 2: The War Of Two Lovers

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Jeremy, a friend I considered a brother, managed to manipulate my wife into turning against me. I never anticipated that he would stoop so low. However, despite this betrayal, I had to rely on Joy, as she loved me unconditionally. Although it went against my principles, I made a decision based on Jeremy's desires. Until I can find a way to expose his disloyalty, jealousy, and greed, I will remain determined. Jeremy Stock, the multimillionaire and founder of the Stock industry, was engaged in a heated argument with his friend Jack Matthew. Unfortunately, their dispute caused a rift in their relationship, leading to Jack disowning his wife Lucy Mary. I witnessed the heartbreaking scene as Lucy left their home in tears. To my shock, Jack slammed the door in her face and locked it behind him.

Distraught and seeking solace, Lucy sought refuge in Jeremy's office. She poured her heart out, recounting the painful events that had transpired between her and Jack. Surprisingly, Jeremy responded with a smile, seemingly indifferent to her distress. He attempted to dismiss her, but Lucy, overcome with emotion, grabbed hold of his clothes and confronted him, questioning his callousness. "Why do you smile? You know I love your best friend, but your jealousy and lust have clouded your heart!" she exclaimed.

Jeremy's smile persisted as he calmly asked, "Why do you shout, my love?" With a mischievous grin, he added, "I have obtained what I desired." Intrigued by their conversation, I discreetly eavesdropped on their exchange through the radio. Peering through the window, I observed Jeremy's smile directed at Lucy before he decided to return to his work, seemingly unaffected by the turmoil he had caused. She departed the office, filled with anger and distress, while I approached her and introduced myself, saying, "My name is Kevin Walker." Without hesitation, I added, "I am aware of your recent separation from your husband." Although she seemed reluctant to discuss the matter, I insisted, "Please come and meet me with your husband at G. Street's Park in Town Square." Handing her my business card, I quietly departed without further notice.

The phone rang, and I couldn't help but wonder, "Did she remember to call me?" However, to my surprise, it was Jeremy on the other end of the line. Confused, I asked, "Why are you calling me? Aren't you happy to have her in your life?" Jeremy responded, "Well played, Jack. I never expected you to let her go. By the way, resigning was never part of our agreement, and neither was quitting." He then added, with a creepy laugh, "So, come to work tomorrow, or your wife will suffer the consequences of my wrath."

Refusing to be intimidated, I calmly told him, "She and I are no longer together, so your threats hold no power over me. They don't send shivers down my spine." With an angry tone, I continued, "I will go to work, but only to ruin everything for you!" He laughed sinisterly and abruptly ended the call. Filled with rage, I was so consumed by anger that when my wife called, I mistakenly shouted, thinking it was Jeremy, "What do you still want!?" Startled, she dropped her phone in fear. After picking it up, she asked, "What's wrong with you? It's me, my love. Did something happen?" Apologetically, I explained, "I'm sorry. Jeremy called and threatened me to return to work, but I refused by accepting his proposal."

My wife became upset and exclaimed, "Are you out of your mind, Jack!? Do you want to get yourself killed!?" I chuckled and told her, "I missed your angry, cute face." With a sad tone, I sighed and said, "I miss you so much." She sighed, and before ending the call, she mentioned, "A man is willing to help us gain justice. I didn't accept his proposal, but he knew everything about us, about what is going on right now in our lives. It's like we've been under investigation all this time like criminals wanted for their wrongdoings." I was left speechless and silent. She then informed me, "He wants to meet us in G. Street's Park in Town Square." After a moment of silence, she added with a sense of guilt, "He's a detective, so I know you hate involving the police in your life situations, but I think you should consider including him." I chuckled and replied, "Wow, you're cute when you apologize. It's okay, I feel the same way, too." As I questioned myself, "What have you gotten yourself into, Jeremy?" I tried to ask for the detective's name, but the call was abruptly cut short.

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