Entry 53: Aug 17th

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I suppose today was a good day with S. I somehow had the blind courage to ask if he thinks of me as dumb. He said that he thinks I'm "sweet but not "dumb" or "stupid"" and that I "have a fascination with making dumb arguments". Then he implied that I like "wild drama" and suggested I watch "Downton Abbey" since I'm interested in British stuff. It was actually sort of thoughtful! S was good today. But I think I made him upset. I told him that I think he makes "educated guesses" a lot during the day. He asked why, and I explained. I asked him if I was wrong and he said "Idk, are you?" And I'm like "judging from your tone, probably yes". That was the last thing that was said.

As for SD, same old. He had work today so I couldn't see him til later tonight. He sure has some deep rooted issues with family though. Wish I could help.

As for my son, he sure likes to drink. Convos with him are hard because he gives shorter answers than S.

Meanwhile me and my dad texted and we are driving to my uni tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to be up at 9 instead of 10 because it gives us time to walk around campus. We also texted about books and a laptop for school. Sighhhhhhhhhh 11 more days. 11 more days til uni.

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