The First Letter from Lilly

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Dear Alias,
This is the first of many letters between us. I was excited to write to you at first because I got new flower-coded letter-paper and matching envelopes and I got an entire pound of stamps at my disposal. Also, I was excited to write to you because as you know, I always wanted a penpal to write to so I could have a literary relationship with them and a connection solely through words, something that would resonate with the 'old soul' in me, as you would say.

But now... as I sit here at my desk to write to you, my giddiness is wavering and I feel silly. Here I am happy to be sending you letters and you are miles and miles away from me, preparing yourself to become a marine. You're a marine, Alias.
I know I missed the chance to tell you this in person before you left, but I feel having it in writing is just as fine, so here goes: I'm so proud of you Al. So incredibly proud to know you and to know your strength and compassion. You have always been my peace in the times of chaos and my safe space from the cold world. You have always been my Alias, so many names and treasures in one name; in one person. I'm so proud of you and I can't wait for you to come home and give me one of your signature hugs while I tell you again how much I admire and adore you, Alias.

Emma and Mum, even Mr. Smith and your Papa and Mum all got these t-shirts that say, 'I am a proud army Friend/Dad/Mom'. Mr. Solado even got a cap that says, 'Army Dad' and he's been wearing it every Sunday at the farmers' market. We're all so proud of you, Alias.

I would like to say I miss you the most but we all do, and I know your Papa has been having a bit of a time adjusting. He told me he spoke to you a while ago and that you sounded so happy. That made me smile. I'm so glad you're where you feel happy, Alias.

It's now been a month since you left and nothing has changed that prompts an entry here. My routine's all the same. Emma has been sleeping over since you left. Mr. Blaine has taken to a more steady schedule of mattress-playing and Em deserves some rest, so Ma said we can keep each other's company, especially since our third Musketeer is off fencing at the moment (that's you by the way).
School is in full swing, we may have gotten a new friend last week who has quickly become a nuisance to Em. He's persistent and I think we're becoming friends which is nice.
Don't worry, you will never be replaced Al.

I love you and I miss you Alias. Please come back home safely.

Your Sunshine,

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