Isabella Conklin

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Name: Isabella "Elle" Conklin
Siblings: Isabel and Steven Conklin
Best Friend: Taylor Jewel
Love Interest: Conrad Fisher
Face Claim: Sabrina Quesada

Name: Isabella "Elle" Conklin Siblings: Isabel and Steven ConklinBest Friend: Taylor JewelLove Interest: Conrad FisherFace Claim: Sabrina Quesada

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Character Description: Isabella mostly known as her nickname Elle, she's the twin sister to Belly. As a child, Elle was always in love with Conrad, while Belly was always in love with Jeremiah. While, Belly wore braces, Elle always wore glasses, now this summer changes for the both of them when both of the guys their in love with take interest in them. Out of the two siblings, Elle's more of the outgoing twin, while Belly's use to being reserved and usually sticks at home. While Elle loves the beach, Belly's more into the pool. While, they may seem like opposites, they're the best of friends. They're both co-captain of the Volleyball team.

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