Chapter 8

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It's been almost 6 whole months since the incident with Jirous mom and she's been in therapy ever since.

Kaminari would continue to stay at Jirous house. Her father didn't make the best company, but he was better than his own.

Kaminari also barely got to speak to Jirou. Everytime she got home from therapy, she would just lock herself in her room.

The words Denki hears from her these days are 'hi' and 'bye'. He wishes he could just have a conversation with her.

Kaminari was sure that the therapy sessions were not working for her. He still heard her crying in her room whenever she would come back.

Whenever he try to go to her room to comfort her, she would hear the footsteps and he would get yelled to not come any closer.

No matter how quiet he tries to be, she somehow always knows when someone is coming towards her room. Kami wonders if something else is also bothering her.

[Meanwhile, in Jirous room]

She's crying again, she has been everyday for the past 6 months. She wants to talk to Denki, she really does. But she can't.

Ever since what happened to her mother, she hasn't been able to function properly. She hasn't been to school since and hasn't even kept in touch with Kirishima or Uraraka.

She's a mess, a hollow shell, she feels nothing but sadness and anger. Out of all people that creature could've targeted, it chose her mother.

She never tried to go out and find it, she's isn't crazy. She knows that she'd get fucking killed if she did.

The best way in her mind to cope is to just cry and shy away from the world, so they can't see the husk that she has become.

She's tries to stay productive, of course. She doesn't just mope around all day. If she's gonna be stuck at home, she might as well do something with her free time.

She tends to draw, mostly gothic and graphic but has a genuine talent. She's good at what she does, but she doesn't draw particularly wholesome things.

She also plays the drums, it's always been her dream to start a band. She's never been able to find the right people so she kinda pushed that dream aside but it's always been in the back of her mind.

No matter how hard she tries, none of these things are ever enough to make her forget about her mother.

She loved her mother and her mother absolutely adored her. She was such a great parent and she had to be taken away in such a vile way by a vile creature. Her father, well, he's a bit of a hothead. He's always been a bit angry and was always physical during arguments with his wife.

Jirou knew that despite all the disputes and disagreements, her parents loved each other. And that was proved when her mother was first pronounced dead. Her father couldn't believe it, his wife of 20 years, just dead.

He may seem like he's over it, but on the inside, he's absolutely heartbroken. She empathised with her dad, which was not something she could do often.

[Back to the living room]

Denki was sat down, thinking. Therapy surely wouldn't make something lock themselves from the world and just ignore everyone around them, right?

He decided to just text Jirou. If he can't interact with her physically, he could try technologically contacting her.

As he was typing what he wanted to say to Jirou, her father was looking over Denkis shoulder. Upon realising who he was texting, Jirous father smacked the phone out of Denkis hand.

Denki was confused, why would her father stop him from messaging her? It didn't make sense to him.

"What the fuck was that!?" Denki yelled, demanding an answer. He didn't except her father to be a prick. I mean, he excepted him to not be so talkative because of Jirous mother dying. He never excepted this though.

"Listen kid, I know that Jirou very clearly loves you a lot. But, I think you're kind of a loser. Someone like you could tarnish my daughters reputation. I wouldn't want her to hang out with someone like you, someone who gets thrown around too easily. If you can't even defend yourself, I don't think you'd be able to help Jirou if she was in danger."

1. Wait, what? Jirou loves him?
2. He's not a loser, he's just different to the other kids.
3. Her reputation is already practically tarnished after what she did to Bakugou.
4. Jirou is very capable of defending herself.

"Sir, that is an incredibly disrespectful thing to say. I assure you, your daughters reputation is fine and is perfectly capable of defending herself."

Denki didn't expect to have an argument like this, let alone with his crushes father. He's used to this, his own parents treated him like this almost everyday.

"Well, ever since you came along, her life has only gotten worse. She got suspended from beating up that student and her mother dies not long after you two met. What's stopping me from believing that you are the monster that ate my wife?" He says, holding back tears at the mention of his wife.

Great, now he's essentially being blamed for murder. Just wonderful.

"Sir, that's an outrageous claim. If I "can't defend myself", how the fuck would I be able to turn into a creature that possesses super speed and the ability to rip through human flesh with ease?" Denki claps back, seemingly bamboozling Jirous dad.

[Back to Jirous bedroom]

She can hear screaming coming from downstairs. Denki and her father are in an argument, she hoped this wouldn't happen but she half expected to it happen anyway.

She decides that she can't just sit and listen, she gets up, opens her door, and makes her way down the stairs to confront her father.

[Back again to the living room]

Just as her father was about unleash another barrage of attacks in the form of words onto Denki, Jirou angrily made her presence be known by yelling at her father to "Shut the fuck up!"

Both her father and Denki turn to see a barely functioning Jirou shaking like crazy. Her eyes were so red from crying all day every day.

"Guys, just stop. It's pointless to argue about this. Dad, Denki had nothing to do with moms death. He was with me when it happened. It couldn't have been him dad. Also, Denki is not a loser, he is a great person and an even better friend. Denki, the reason I haven't been able to talk to you is because my father told me not to. He thought that you would make my current state even worse. Which is funny, because the one do that in the end, was you dad." Jirou finished, with a smirk on her face.

Her dad was dumbfounded, he finally had nothing left to say. Completely starstruck, moved by his daughters compassion for her friend.

"I'm going to go out for a bit." Her dad said, reaching for his coat and heading out of the front door. "Behave yourselves, and don't break anything while I'm gone."

And with that, he left. Leaving Denki and Jirou all by themselves. Just them and their feelings. What could go wrong?

(A MHA fanfic) KamiJirou Where stories live. Discover now