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I sat in the principles office for the third time that week. It was only Monday at 2 p.m. New record.

"Evelyn, I just don't know what to do with you. You're always getting into trouble whether it be fights, drinking, skipping school. When are you going to learn?!" Principle Huff yelled at me.

I looked at him, and just shrugged. School isn't doing much for me. It honestly just felt worse than prison and I've been there before.

"Shrug? You have nothing to say for yourself?! Wait until I call your parents young lady!" It was funny how mad and red he was getting.

"Go 'head! Call my parents! They won't give a shit!" I yelled back at him.

"Watch your mouth young lady. I'll put you right into detention today," he said pointing at me.

"I got nothing better to do," I shrugged, a small smirk creeping up my face. I was getting to him. Nice.

All he did was huff and storm out of the office. I sat there starring out the window, wondering if I'd be able to jump from it.

I quickly looked behind me and saw no one. So, I took my chance. I opened the window and looked down. We were on the first floor, so I'd be fine. I threw my bag out the window and crawled out.

"HEY! EVELYN! GET BACK HERE!" Principal Huff screamed running back into his office.

It was no use though. I was already out the window and running. 

I was running for a while until I ran out of breath. I looked up and found a gas station called the DX. I was hungry, so I figured I'd stop in for some snacks.

I walked in and a guy popped up from behind the counter. "Hey! Welcome to the DX!" he said in a weird, cheerful manner.

I walked around, shoving a bag of candy in my pocket. The cigarettes were behind the counter, so I would have to think of a way to get them without him noticing.

"Hey! Soda! Can you help me with this car out here?" someone called from behind the doors.

"Steve, if Dal is out there wanting help I swear," he muttered walking back.

This was my chance, as silently as I could, I ran up to the counter and snagged two packs of cigarettes. I quickly hurried back and shoved a six pack of beer in my bag.

As I was closing my bag, he walked back in. I grabbed a soda, and put it on the counter to pay.

"60 cents," he said opening the register.

I put down two quarters and a dime, and the bell rang.

"Hey Pony and Johnny," he said looking up.

"Hey Soda, say you hear about that girl that jumped out the window at the high school today? We saw her running through the parking lot. Principal Huff was chasing after her," one of them said.

I tried hiding my face a little, since I didn't know what they thought of it. "Thanks," I mumbled grabbing my soda.

"Hey," the one said as I walked by, "you kinda look like her."

"Huh?" I asked.


"Pony," the other one said quietly, "leave her alone. She probably wasn't."

"Oh, yeah. I guess you're right Johnny," the one, Pony I think, said to the other one, Johnny. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have screamed at you. I thought it was kinda cool how that girl jumped out the window," he said turning towards me.

"Oh, um, thanks? I guess," I said walking away.

I walked out and down to the big lot that was by my house. I sat down near a tree and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. I light the cigarette and let out a drag of it, putting my lighter back. I sat there for a bit, thinking about what happened earlier. I wasn't going back to school anytime soon that's for sure. 

"Hey Evie," my best friend, Marilyn said walking up to me.

"Hey Mary. Want a beer?" I asked pulling out the six pack I stole from that gas station.

"Sure," she said sitting down. "Saw you running, that was real funny. Laughed my ass off," she giggled.

"Oh yeah. You know some kid at a gas station yelled at me because he saw me," I said chuckling.

"HA! Whatcha gonna do now? You know Principal Huff is going to be on your ass looking for you," she said, taking a sip of her beer.

"Yeah, I ain't going back, that's for damn sure. I might just drop out all together," I said shrugging.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll join ya," she said smiling.

We sat in silence for a bit, when she got up. "Wanna go to the Dingo and cause some trouble?" she asked grinning.

"You know me all too well," I said, grinning and getting up.

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