First meet. Ouch.

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[1983———13:54 / 1:54]

I was sitting outside where my father sent me. He gets mad at me a lot for silly things. This time, I dropped his stupid notebook he spends hours writing in.

I was sitting in the forest where the giant fence sits. It's huge, I found a small hole in it not too long ago. I look up to the sky and fall backwards, lying on the grass.

" *sigh* "


A ball smacks my face, "OUCH! WHAT THE HELL?" I shout. That really hurt!

I sit up and look around, a snap comes from behind and I whip my head around.

"Who's there?"

A tall boy peeks his head out from behind a tree, shiny gold eyes piercing into me.

"Я- мне очень жаль! Это был несчастный случай.."

"What- huh?"

His eyes widen and he shakes his head

"I- uh.. im.. I'm sorry..! It was an- it was an acks .. aksi-.. *sigh* "

I chuckle at the mispronunciation remembering my father's trouble teaching my siblings and I 'proper' English.

"Accident?" I ask, he stares at me with a 'shut up.' Look and I laugh a bit.

"My name is thirteen, how about you?" He glances at the fence in a nervous manner.

"Er.. you can call me Red.. my fra- fri.. friend? Friend. says it's because my flag is almost completely red so.."

"Well okay Red"  I smile.

"THIRTEEN! COME IN FOR SUPPER!" I hear my mother announce just across the woods,

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow? Bring your ball! I'll bring my siblings."

"Okay thirteen"

[FRIDAY ———10:36]


I put on my shoes and grab my coat off the hanger. Papa is at work today so we have until 18:00 before he gets back at 18:30.



I heard someone yell back but didn't look to see who.

We ran out the door and over to the tall fence separating our two properties. It's currently snowing here considering it's winter.

But as soon as you go through the fence.. ah, here we go. It's just slightly cloudy.

I count heads as they pass through the barrier.

1.. 2.. 3.. 4.... 5. 6, 7.. 8..........9 10, 11 tumbling through.

I peak my head through the fence to see the other 3 arguing about who goes first. I grab one and pull her through, the other 2 look back and quickly crawl through the crimson fence.

Estonia looks at his surroundings and smiles

"vau! siin on nii armas! но почему мы здесь?"  He smiles, confused at the sudden change of scenery.
(Wow it's so lovely here, but why are we here?"

"я встретил парня, он очень милый"
(I met a guy, he is very nice.)

We waited a while before I heard his loud voice yelling out to find us

"RED! I HAVE MY SIBLINGS! WE CAN PLAY BALL NOW!"  He yelled out into the shady woods

"WE ARE OVER HERE THIRTEEN!! Guys remember to speak English, okay?" I received a few nods and 'yes Red' in a taunting voice. I shook my head and turned back to the open wood.

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" he squealed as he jumped onto me

"AH-" we took a tumble before I shoved him off of me.

He sat up before saying "I found this field where we can play, considering there are so many of you and it's so dark in here."


We got up off the ground and I led the way. I saw Canada walk over to one of the boys behind us before I turned my attention to my new friend.

"So I was wondering, do you have a name other than Red?" 

He looked at me as if I said the stupidest thing he had ever heard.

" *sigh* yes ther- thirteen, my name is CCCP."  He responded before looking ahead. I could still tell it was a lie but brushed it off.

"Oh-!" It felt embarrassing to be in this dumb situation. So I did what any rational person would do after being embarrassed.

"TAG!" I slapped his arm and booked it. I could hear him easily catching up and tried to run faster, but eventually he caught up and punched my shoulder

"That's what you get" He smirked playfully. I groaned in annoyance. Hoe.

"Ughh whatever" It sounded sassy as shit.


We walked until we reached the field. Our sibling walked in groups following us. I had a ball in my hand and kicked it into the air

Everyone looked up and chased after the ball, they kind of looked like dogs chasing the ball. I didn't move, just watching them all crush each other for the ball

"Dumbasses" He looked at me, unimpressed

"What?" I laughed as he didn't respond. Funniest shit ever

After about 3 hours, Red and his siblings had to leave

"Bye!" We all said our goodbyes as they crawled through the fence. Red was the last one

He handed me a bracelet, matching his own. He said nothing, just smiling and he put a finger over his lip. He winked before crawling through the fence.

888 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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