chapter 3

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Upon spawning in my captain's quarters, I hear knocking at the door. "Your Ladyship Eira, this is Master Chief Falk. Lady Frieda Von Kristallturm has requested custody of the cryo pod. What would you like us to tell her?"

"Miss Frieda may have them, but she must board the quarantine vessel dedicated to them," I say, slightly confused as I didn't expect to have to give an order the moment I got on. "Also I want a full report on the progress from the research and exploration teams."

Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I glance around my quarters. The room is adorned in frosted steel and navy blue hues, accented by dark oak veneers. A simple bed rests against the far wall, flanked by nightstands. The living space at its foot features a coffee table and a couch, strategically placed to face a false window displaying the outside. To the left of the bed is my wardrobe, containing only the bare minimum attire for fresh changes.

"Your Ladyship... Am I, dismissed to relay your orders?"

"You're dismissed," I say surprised again, did the auto dismissal break? Doesn't matter, I just need to remember that It's not working and move on.

I breathe in a lung full of air and tap a button to open the door, causing it to slide to the side with a swish noise.

The halls match the colors of my room lacking the veneers, filled with men and women dressed in white uniforms with different colored stripes along the sleeves, denoting their jobs aboard the ship. With the exception of the security detail whose uniform is black armor plate over the top of tanned pants and shirt.

I quickly make my way to the bridge catching snippets of flirting, what they are going to do once we drop back down to Condition III or get rotated back to the generation ships. Even though I should give them a verbal warning for having off topic conversations while we're under general quarters, I can't blame them. We've been stuck out here for months real world time let alone how long it's been in the game's time scale.

"Give me a report," I say entering the bridge, my eyes scanning over everyone present. Most of their eyes are forming bags from not being able to rotate out due to being at Condition one, requiring an order to cycle out. "Those not handling the reports may retire to your cabins once your counterpart comes to replace you."

"Sorry your Ladyship, but the the research team hasn't finalized their report and the exploration team has yet to complete their task," says Tritten in a soothing voice, twisting her body around so that her eyes meet mine, "I can ask for a basic overview of what they have found. Either way you'll have to wait."

"Tell them to send me the most pertinent information," I say motioning for the first mate to get off my captain's chair. "In the meantime shoot me the data pertaining to the condition of the fleet. Starting with who needs to be put in for repairs, especially engine replacements." After a few seconds of delay I get the files to show up on my console.

The frigates, Admiral Spee and Admiral Scheer, require a comprehensive overhaul of their ion thrusters due to extensive wear and tear. In addition to their auxiliary generators needing to be replaced. The reports say that this should take six weeks to complete, assuming no unforeseen complications arise. Meanwhile, the Brunhilde is experiencing issues with its life support systems, necessitating immediate attention with no time frame for the repair.

The destroyers, Z345 and Z350, require the sensor suites to be completely replaced, as they've 1000 hours past their lifetime. This will require a three month dry docking.

As for the corvettes, they are showing varying degrees of disrepair, with each requiring specific maintenance and overalls to bring them up to operational standards. The Prolix, while being a piece of junk, only requires routine maintenance.

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