Chapter 23

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"This will be the first time I'm away from my baby girl..." I pout as I pack an overnight bag.

"She's never slept over at your parents or your sisters." Luke asked.

"No, they both watched her before but I always come home or pick her up." I explained.

"I've been meaning to ask this... have you ever dated anyone after me?" I froze at his question.

"I'm a full-time mother, I don't have time to date anyone and try to get to know them. I mean, I already know you, it's different. It's not like I can fully get over the love of my life and the father of my child." I tried to express.

"So you haven't been involved with anyone?" Luke grinned as his fingertip ran from my neck to my hands.

"Just you." I bit my lip.

"Three years pure." he kissed my shoulder.

"Luke... I c-can't." I step away and focus on Audrey's bag. It's all packed so I must pretend I'm still working on it.

"Okay, we don't have to... but can I at least know why?" he said quietly, I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"I'm not confident, I mean I've never been confident... but after having a kid there are more things to be insecure about. I'm just not comfortable with exposing myself like that." I admit.

Luke just turned me around and kissed me. It wasn't lustful, it wasn't aggressive. It was slow and comforting. The kiss was far from heavy. I didn't know what to do. I just let him.

"You're perfect in my eyes, you always have been. I don't know what to say to make you believe it. It maters that you see yourself as beautiful, but I can assure you, if you're worried about pleasing anyone, you've already gone above and beyond for me. I love every inch of you, as far as I'm concerned, you're completely flawless. I'd love to spend hours making you feel good, but you're not there yet. I'll wait until you are. In the mean time, I will make it my job to tell you how lovely you are. I hope that can convince you." Luke looked me directly in the eyes after we kissed and told me.

"You say that now, Luke." I pull away from him.

"And what could possibly prevent me from saying it later?" He grabbed my wrist.

"You don't get it! My body was never perfect, and after having Audrey, there was more damage. I have fading stretch marks, and I'm not tiny anymore. I'm far from the ideal of sexy. You can't be turned on by any of that seriously." I argued.

Luke just picked me up, brought us to our room and pushed me again the wall.

"Don't say another word about yourself like that." was all he said before our lips were together again.

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