Chapter 10

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"I did get pregnant..." were the last words I planned to hear from Skyler.

I felt shocked, and scared, and nervous, and angry.

"You got pregnant and didn't tell me?" I asked horrified.

"I didn't want to stop you from living your dream." she excused her reasoning.

"My dream was to be with you and have a family, if I would have known I would have taken care of you." I began to cry a little.

"Luke, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to hold you back, I would never forgive myself if I ever did." She cried.

"I'm the dad and I got to no say." I ran my hand through my hair.

"I couldn't hold you back, Luke! The band needs you, your fans need you, I had you long before all of them so I assumed it was my time to share you with the rest of the world... and then you have me the most precious thing in the world in return..." she sobbed.

"I missed the first three years of my kid's life!" I yelled.

"And she grew up fine and normal, without camera mobbing her..." Skyler gritted her teeth.

"She? Her? I have a little girl?" I softened up.

"Audrey Grace Fitzgerald, born July 20th, 2014." She answered.

"Does Audrey ask about me?" I asked hopefully.

"Sometimes the concept of a father goes over her head, but when she does ask she wants to know everything possible." Skyler smiled softly.

"Tell me about Audrey?" I sat back down.

"Well, she LOVES 5SOS, she sings it all the time. She participates in ballet, art classes, and I'm teaching her the piano eventually. Audrey can't go to sleep without someone singing to her. Snuggling is her specialty. Audrey is going to have to meet you because she touches every life she knows." Skyler bit her lip.

"....Can I meet her?" I asked nervous.

"Your mums in the park with her, want to meet them there?" She grabbed her keys.

"My mum knew?" I asked as we walked to her car.

"Today she found out when she told me you were coming to town." She got behind the wheel.

The short drive to the park was nerve racking. What if she doesn't like me? What do I say?

"Ready?" Skyler asked.

"Okay." I got out and began to the play ground set.

I saw a small beautiful little girl before me. I really looked at her , as she did the same to me, our big blue eyes inspecting our genetics.

"Audrey..." Skyler picked her up and sat on a bench with her.

"Luke, come see." Skyler motioned me to sit next to her.

Audrey and I continued to stare at each other.

"I'm a bad mother and ... we can figure out what I am to you later... but I've done an awful thing to both of you. I've deprived you both of each others existence. Audrey this is your father, and Luke, this is our daughter." Skyler cried a little and tucked Audrey's curls behind her ear.

"Hi, Audrey." I offered my hand to her.

The second she smiled and placed her little hand in the center of mine, I felt it all surreal. I held her in my arms and hugged her for hours. I have a daughter. A gorgeous princess that I'm going to spoil and love all I can.

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