1 | nan

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I run out of my apartment building almost falling to get to my car. Right now, it's 5:47 in the morning. Weird time right? Well, it's okay to me because I'm rushing to the hospital. Nan's sick. Yes, I said it. Nan is sick. She was diagnosed with cancer about a week ago and since it's such short notice, they only gave her about another month to live.

Since she's so old, she couldn't hold on much longer. Nan always taught me to think ahead and be strong but all I could think about was the phone call I got 19 minutes ago.

"Hey Mama, I was just about to ca-" I say into the phone before getting cut off.

"Come to the hospital, it's Nan!!" Liz says.

"What happened??! Is she okay??!?" I say.

"Just hurry and get here Lanny!!" Liz says.

I shake out of my trance about Nan from earlier and realize I left one thing; my phone.

"Shit! How did I leave my phone??" I say.

I hurry to the hospital scared of what the doctors might say and even more terrified of what I might feel if anything bad were to happen.

I walk into the hospital and notice Lindsay pacing back and forth near the hospital doors that read Operation Room.

"Is she okay??! Where is she???" I question.

I scan the room and notice a nurse.

"Excuse me, is Nancy O'Steel okay??!! I need to know now!!!!" I demand.

"Lana, calm down okay? Nan'll be okay!" Lindsay says as she quickly walks up to me.

"I won't calm down!! I need to see Nan!!!" I yell.

Liz walks in the lobby with tears in her eyes with the head surgeon.

"What happened??! Is Nan okay?" I say.

"She's gone, Lanny." Liz says as her voice breaks.

"No! She can't be!! She's healthy!!" I yell.

"No! No! No!" Lindsay says.

"Come here y'all, it's okay. We'll get through this." Liz says.

By this time, we're just crying and crying. I don't know what to do now. I'm hyperventilating.

One thing Nan taught me is to be strong so, I do. Nan would want me to travel the world and travel to New York to sing so that's what I did.

she sung, he fellWhere stories live. Discover now